Tuesday, already! Yes, goodbye August. How do we know that? Numbers, calendars, statistics all help us keep track of stuff we do, what we do in order to improve how we do it. What do you track? What do you do with what you track? Do you review to make changes?
Introducing Blogger Stats http://bit.ly/agtocT me: condensing some analytics within Blogger, cool! #the5
If you make a change based upon statistics, you need to continue to watch the statistics to see if the change is having the anticipated effect. If you keep doing this then you have created a learning cycle.
Email overload? Try Priority Inbox http://bit.ly/dw9zih "it will get better at categorizing messages for you" a learning system #the5
All the stats on hyperlocal today, from all the experiments done and being explored are convincing. You do it for the love of it! There is no money there!
Hyperlocal: Not for the Faint of Heart http://bit.ly/9HOAxl "it’s certainly expensive in terms of how much time you spend" #the5
A case in point, MaryLynn and George are making changes to their podcast and blog. How timely. We'll have to see how the change works for them. Have you listened to their podcast? It is great fun!
Our Blog is Holding Our Podcast Hostage http://bit.ly/cpgWGj "bring great information your way in the best format" #the5
The point of learning is to improve. If you don't improve, what is the point?
And from the job search perspective, do you keep stats on how much time spent on the job search? How many applications you have submitted? How many contacts you have made? What does your "sales funnel" look like? I have been reviewing mine and will share the insights here soon.
I struggle with words, that is, to find the right one, the proper one, the good one, the best one. So when listening to RadioLabs do "Words", all kinds of bells went off.
If you have fun watching this brief video, then you too should have some fun with "Words". The "Words" podcast may take an hour, but it will be worth every word of time!
Basically, you sign into your LinkedIn account. Go to your Inbox. The default position shows your sent messages. Change the view to show your Sent Invitations. You can now view each one individually and 15 at a time, page by page.
If an invitation has not been accepted in over three months, I usually resend (or at least check on the email address before resending). If after a re-send, and then more time, the invitation is still not accepted, I would withdraw the invitation. As this point you know only that the person is not active on LinkedIn and wouldn't be much help to you unless they were.
How do you handle aging invitations?
Note: email subscribers will need to click through to view the document.
Are you new to new media like blogging, podcasting, Twitter, Facebook, and wondering where to get started? Are you a veteran of all things 2.0 and wondering what to learn next to propel you into future success?
PodCamp Boston, now in its 5th year, aims to help you answer these questions and many more. On September 25-26, 2010 at the facility of Microsoft New England Research and Development Center, PodCamp Boston will bring together the best and the brightest - including you - for two days of learning, sharing, and growing your social media skills.
Who should attend PodCamp Boston? You. It doesn't matter where you are on your social media journey, whether you just starting Tweeting yesterday or whether you're one of the decade-long bloggers. It doesn't matter whether you're the CEO of a Fortune 50, a director of a non-profit, or a guy who likes to knit on the air. What does matter is that you are an expert in something. You have questions AND answers, and PodCamp Boston is the best opportunity to contribute and learn all at once.
What will you learn at PodCamp Boston?
PodCamp is driven by what YOU want to learn and share. Twitter? Sure. Facebook? Of course. Blogging? Definitely. Podcasting? By the bucket. Last year we introduced a way to have more conversations and less presenting with discussions. This year we want to continue that success and give you the opportunity to learn about the things that would help YOU.
More important, we want you, as you register, to consider leading a session in which you pose a burning question that you absolutely must get the answer to. Maybe you need to know how to figure out the ROI of Facebook. Maybe you need to learn how to make great Internet video. Whatever your burning question is, we want you to ask it at PodCamp.
Take a look at some of the planned topics:
Clearing the Hurdles - on pitching social media marketing initiatives
Blogging 100/101/102
Preparing for the future - What tips, techniques, tactics, and ideas can we share for preparing for the future?
Monitoring, Management & the Promise of Social CRM
Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare... It's Taking Over Our Lives!
Social Media for Fundraising and Nonprofit Marketing
Ready to get started?
PodCamp Boston 5 is a mere $50 to participate, but we guarantee you'll get so much more. Not only will you benefit but the net proceeds from the event will be donated to the Greater Boston Food Bank feeding some very hungry kids in the Boston area. Register today, as we've only got a little over a hundred spots left, and they're going wicked fast.
Register now for PodCamp Boston »
After you've registered, share this with your network and invite them to come to PodCamp Boston with you!
Job Search Jam Sessions 2 will be held on Friday October 1 at the St John Evangelist Parish Center in Hopkinton, MA.
The registration and networking will open at 8:30. The event will begin at 9:00 with an overview of the unconference format and completion of the session topics for the day.
There will be five session blocks with eight rooms available for each block. Plenty of room for big topics and small discussions.
The last session will wrap up about 3:45 PM and after a recap of the day, you should be free to take what you have learned and put it into action by 4:00 PM.
This week was time for my annual trip to the local hardware store to buy bags of play sand to refill the sand tubs in the Oak St kindergarten classrooms. School opens next week here in Franklin, MA.
Doesn't that look inviting? Wouldn't you like to grab a shovel and start to build a castle?
Can't do that in kindergarten! Well you can build castles and play with the sand.
But there are things to do first. As you enter the room, the chart outlines the things you need to do.
You need to empty your backpack. Put your lunch, water bottle and snack into your cubbie.
Then put your backpack into the basket. (The cubbies were built too small to fit the backpacks.)
You hang up your name tag to show you are present today.
You wash your hands to practice good personal hygiene.
Kindergarten was a happy time. There was structure. There was play. There was learning. No reason why the job search can't be the same. And with a happy ending! A position that you will be happy with.
Action item: Make Your Job Search 'To Do' list
get a piece of paper
make the list of things you should do each day (exercise, eat, email, etc.)
post it in a prime spot
check off items as they are completed
move on to the next one
What did you learn in kindergarten that you can now apply to the job search?
There is more on the story out of Philly on their tax for bloggers. I am glad I don't live down there. I am concerned for all the hobby bloggers.
Philly Bloggers Feeling Overtaxed http://bit.ly/d88K2k more on Philly's "Business Privilege License" #the5
In prior customer service positions, I found it was always much easier to find someone with a customer service orientation and then help them learn the application or support position details. Trying to teach someone customer service, if they are not already wired for it, is a waste of time.
The Problem with “I Don’t Know.” http://bit.ly/bEWhXk me: will you take that extra step to help someone? kudos to those who do!#the5
I'll save my rant to later. If you haven't heard the story about content in context, you can check it out here or here. The short version, look at "recruiting animal'; what would you expect for behavior? If your're thinking white gloves service, I have a bridge for sale.
I built a good section of my business book collection from the annual visit that the consultants made to UNISYS in the post-merger days (Burroughs merged with Sperry-Univac). It was a different set of consultants each year and they brought with them a new book that was handed out by management as 'the' book that would make a difference. The whole process didn't seem to make much difference. What I did learn from the consultants was how to pitch management. To be successful, you really have to focus and answer the question: "what's in it for me?" (with me = individual managers, and then the company)
9 Ways to Sell Social Media to the Boss http://bit.ly/cE8n4e "often external consultants seem to have more convincing power" #the5
I love the English language. One word can take on so many meanings. Management as used above refers to the collective body that guides a company. Management here refers to how you can manage your time. What are your priorities? How do you allocate your waking hours?
How Management Can Help You Find A Job http://bit.ly/aziMS3 " Using tools helps you feel smart. And by using them, you become smart"#the5
Keeping my promise to let you know when things change, I do have an announcement to make. I am honored to have been offered a role on the Board of Directors for the Franklin Food Pantry.
I have accepted this role and look to help the Food Pantry in a couple of ways. One, they have expanded the membership of the Board and are embarking on a strategic plan initiative. I believe my project management skills and my work creating a good customer experience can help in this effort. Two, I will work to help the Food Pantry in their communication efforts. Drawing upon the experiences I have had using and implementing social media tools, I will help to spread the word about the work of the Food Pantry.
What won’t change?
My priorities won’t change with this new role. My number one priority remains my focus on finding appropriate full-time employment. My second priority remains contributing to the well being of my immediate and extended family.
My third priority has been giving back to my community via the work I do for Franklin Matters. I see the Food Pantry time requirements fitting within the time I have available. The Food Pantry will allow me to explore what matters in Franklin in an important way. I see this as a natural extension of the outreach efforts I have already made through the Franklin Downtown Partnership and the United Regional Chamber of Commerce.
What may change?
The Food Pantry Board is currently scheduled to meet on the last Tuesday of the month. Depending upon how the calendar works out, this poses a potential conflict with the School Committee meetings. As a result of this conflict, I may be reporting on the second School Committee meeting more from the video archive than the in person/live reporting I have been able to do.
Top 25 Cities for Your Career Boost – Just curious to see where your city ranks? http://bit.ly/abZbPH Boston in top 20! #the5
Yes, the best part of this summary is the author acknowledges that Facebook is about relationships, that is your friends!
Facebook Places Analysis: 3 Reasons Why Facebook Will Continue to Be Your Aggregator of Social Information http://bit.ly/9ReBfq#the5
This is a concern. I don't even run a business with my blogging. This is purely a hobby (and Franklin Matters is my public service effort to give back to my community).
Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license | Washington Examiner http://bit.ly/cswQyp#the5
No, I am not talking about product placement in The Closer episode Monday night where one character sees an open drawer of candy and finds a Hershey bar. The scene ends, an ad rolls, and low and behold it is for the Hershey bar just shown.
Earlier this month, a group of us did the Knife's Edge Trail to Mt Katahdin in Baxter State Park, ME. The following slideshow captures the essence of the climb up and down.
My tri-corner hat came with me to PubCamp Boston on Saturday. My presence was noticed and the hat itself generated a number of conversations that began with: "What's the story with the hat?" To which I oblige and being the story. I'll vary it depending on how interested they really are. The visual cues the listener provides, helps me navigate to a short version or a longer version. The longer ones are the better ones but you never know when you start.
Chicken Thighs & You: The Power of Personal Branding http://bit.ly/b5lcUt "if u haven’t given serious thought 2 how 2 differentiate" #the5
The slickness of the integration with LinkedIn and the search results to show who you have in your LinkedIn connections with a link to the hiring company is compelling. I need to spread the word on this tool!
The Secret To Getting Simply Hired http://bit.ly/al0aC9 me: I like how LinkedIn integrates with the results! #the5
I always wonder how some Twitter requests to follow me get generated. The recent Twitter suggestions increased the number of follow requests dramatically but there were already a number coming along. Some of the requests didn't make a whole lot of sense. What triggered the request? Some search term I used in a tweet? It may have been one of these tools.
Top 5 Most Indispensable Twitter Tools for Marketers http://bit.ly/c0f5IG me: so that's how accounts get so many followers! #the5
My run on Sunday was a really good one. The moments in time that I was able to capture are similar to the moment captured here.
Change The Pattern For Your Work And Life http://bit.ly/bKcE2s"everything moved in slow motion during the brief moments" #the5
What do you do when one of these moments in time occur?
Do you stop to think about it? or do you just move on!
I saw this sign heading back home while running on Sunday. The message was a good one. With a quick photo, phone camera handy, I could capture it and use it sometime.
When I got home and uploaded the photo to Flickr, I realized it now had a different quality than I originally intended.
See what a fat finger and a wet lens can do?
I was so confident in my ability to take a good photo, even when running, I forgot that running in the rain gets things wet. Duh! Probably could not reproduce this shot if I tried but I will attempt to go back (on a dry day) and see if the sign is still there.
The message: sometimes unintended consequences still bring good things!
I took the opportunity to participate in PubCamp Boston yesterday. It was held in the WGBH building in Brighton, a wonderful facility for this size of an unconference.
With the work I do for Franklin Matters, I wanted to meet new folks in the public and community media world and to learn from their efforts. I was also able to share some points from my own experiences. As an unconference, this was exactly what the event was meant to do!
The actual group was smaller than the 175 registered (a common issue with 'free' events). It was large enough to provide a good cross section of folks and small enough to really work in the unconference model.
NPR's Andy Carvin explained the process for determining the schedule of sessions. The microphone then was passed around the room to allow everyone to introduce themselves, where they are from, three words to describe them and if they wanted to facilitate a session, a very brief topic sentence.
My intro was:
Good morning, Steve Sherlock. I am the volunteer Community Information Director for Franklin, MA because "Franklin Matters. My three words are content, conversation and community.
I chose not to facilitate a session but as the sessions were proposed, I found enough opportunity to fill the day.
The session board filled up as the microphone went around the room. There was some juggling and combining of sessions, clarification of topics, shifting of topics/sessions from room to room to meet the session and schedule requirements. All important logistical details were covered and the final schedule looked something like this.
What did I take away from the day?
I summarized the first session with a sherku: the issue that I tweeted as follows:
Channels, content
creation, ownership
it comes down to
eyeballs and funding
The second session moved further along the lines of this discussion and summarized the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges/threats for Public Media (defined as one of the networks receiving funding - PBS, NPR, etc.).
The session summarized the same quadrant for Community Media (defined as the more local media makers including bloggers).
Lunch was a healthy choice of sandwiches, salad and cookies. The one drawback of lunch was that the group spread out amongst at least three areas of the WGBH building to find a spot (table, chair, space, etc). to eat. The conversation was good but separated by the locations.
I was able to provide feedback to the Boston Globe that their Information Graphics needed to be shareable. They did great work developing the graphics but if it was on the web it wasn't easily shareable. You couldn't link to it directly, or copy it and share it with appropriate credit. Even worse, sometimes the graphic only appeared in the print version. They welcomed the feedback so it will be good to see how it changes, if it changes.
Ellen Rossano had an interesting session on how the emergency responders and media makers could work better together.
There was a session on "Beyond Google Maps" that provided some good links and information on how to engage community (i.e. crowd source) to collaborate and share information.
Mapping Main Street is one I will look to explore. There are no entries for Franklin, MA currently posted there.
You can't always get what you want And if you try sometime you find You get what you need
So true, so true.
Our microwave died recently. Dolores and I had come back from our walk stopping for coffee along the way. She came in the kitchen, popped her coffee in the microwave, set it to warm up her coffee, heard a pop and then when the timer was done, she took her coffee. She walked away with hot coffee (or so she thought). I came by did the same thing to warm up my coffee and sat to read the paper. As I read the paper and sip coffee, I realized the coffee was rather cold for having just heated it up. Had I been reading that long already?
Dolores came back down from whatever she was doing upstairs and went to warm up her coffee again. This time she checked it when it was done. This time the cry went out, "Steve, I think the microwave is broken!"
Some more testing confirmed that indeed while the clock and timer, lights, fan... all seem to be in working order, the heating element was not functioning. Let's go to the web to see about repair options.
Sears was our first call as it was a Kenmore unit and had been very good for us. They would cost $179 to walk in the door and couldn't come until at least Friday. (This was Saturday.) Much too long to go back to the old way. We made the appointment and went back to the web for other options. I recalled getting service on something else before and found the magnet card on the refrigerator. We called them next. They could come out today but it would be $89 to walk in the door. That sounded much better so we booked that one and went back to cancel the Sears appointment.
A hour or so later the gentleman called, covered some of the basic questions on troubleshooting (I was prepared) and then laid out some cost options for what it might be. As the unit was almost 15 years old, we determined repair was not going to be a cost effective option. I thanked him for saving us some $$ and we put the magnet card back on the frig in a prominent spot.
Now to the web for research on a new unit. I also found a recent Consumer Reports issue that happened to cover kitchen appliances, including microwaves. Kenmore units weren't mentioned by Consumer Reports (why is another question). We did find a model similar to what we had at Sears, reasonably priced, similar features, but not in stock. It would take 9-10 days for delivery. Not good enough. Back to the web.
On Sunday, armed with additional research, we decided to try the newest Lowe's in our area as Dolores also had some errands to run in that vicinity as well. Lowe's was successful, the people were good and helpful. A unit was at the warehouse and could be on the next truck up to the store, we might have a delivery before the weekend. The deal was signed and sealed and we went away happy.
By Wednesday we found out the unit did not make it on the truck that arrived Monday (maybe it had left before we even purchased our unit) but that it would be on the truck arriving this Sunday. So after all, in the comparison between Sears and Lowe's, they both could have arrived at the same time.
Long story shortened, the microwave did arrive and was installed. Dolores is happy to be able to warm up her coffee now.
Could we have gotten same day purchase and install?
Only if we had paid an exorbitant amount.
Did it hurt us to use the 'old' ways of reheating leftovers (and coffee) without the microwave?
No, it did not. It reminded us that the microwave is a time saving device and one that has worked its way into kitchen life.
What is the job search angle to this story?
Think about it. How much like our job search is the story?
We submit an application, we want a response right now.
We have an interview, we want the next step right now.
Patience! There will be success. You will find your next opportunity.
Soon, we will all be singing with Mick:
You can't always get what you want And if you try sometime you find You get what you need
Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful, a program of the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council and in partnership with REI Cranston and Indie Cycle, LCC will hold an electronics recycling drive on Saturday, September 4th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at REI, located at 22 Chapel View Boulevard in Cranston.
“This electronics recycling drive is being held in conjunction with REI’s annual Labor Day sale,” said Mathhew DeMello, Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful program coordinator and AmeriCorps*VISTA member. .
Residents are encouraged to recycle the following items, all free of charge: computers, servers, printers, televisions, CRT monitors, LCD monitors, laptops, UPS battery back-ups, and stereo equipment. No other items will be accepted.
Donations benefit the environmental programs of Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful. For more information, call 724-2200 or visit www.KeepBlackstoneValleyBeautiful.com.
Indie Cycle, LLC, a Providence-based company, recycles the electronic items. Their zero-waste policy means that everything is reused, resold, reclaimed or recycled.
About the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council
Established in 1985, the agency’s mission is to create positive change with regard to community values by developing and promoting coordinated, responsible and sustainable tourism in Rhode Island’s Blackstone Valley communities. To plan and collaborate with intrastate, state, regional, national and international organizations to sustain and enhance the character of our destination, and to develop the public and private natural, historic, cultural, ethnic, industrial, recreational, educational, special events, artistic and commercial resources in Pawtucket, Central Falls, Cumberland, Lincoln, Woonsocket, Smithfield, North Smithfield, Burrillville and Glocester.
About Keep America Beautiful
Keep America Beautiful is a national nonprofit public education organization dedicated since 1953 to engaging individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their local community environments. For half a century, Keep America Beautiful has been the nation’s leading community improvement organization successfully implementing an effective, systematic strategy for reducing waste, preventing litter and beautifying communities nationwide.
About Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful
Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful serves as the environmental education and awareness program of the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council. We are focusing on preventing litter, reducing waste and beautifying our communities by working with government, business and civic groups in Burrillville, Central Falls, Cumberland, Glocester, Lincoln, North Smithfield, Pawtucket, Smithfield and Woonsocket. We work with these cities and towns to understand their specific needs and to create programs that will enhance their landscapes. Emily Soergel, the program coordinator, is sponsored by AmeriCorps*VISTA.
My brother-in-law Frank and I had the honor and privilege to take Dad to the 65th Anniversary dinner for the Iwo Jima Survivors Association in Brandford, CT on Sunday. I'll post additional pictures and comments on Jerry's Story but I must say that it really was a pleasure to see Dad engaged in conversation with a fellow 1st JASCO member.
A constant comment from all who participated was that they were thankful to be there. I'll second that!
Yes, the Band of Brewers was quite active with a back-to-back night of brewing a couple of weeks ago, 6 kettles each night. Which also meant back-to-back bottling nights. I missed Thursday but caught up with the crew on Friday to finish our twelve kettles and divvy up the shares. Lots of variety this time around.
The twelve kettles bring the group to a total of 98. Plans are under way to celebrate with something special for our 100th kettle.
The brew listing for this time:
Bassalope - An easy drinking English style pale ale. Similar to BassBA
Bawstin Lager - This is our Sam Adam’s style Lager. Great for the first timer - BL
Blueberry Ale - A delicious ale. It smells good, tastes good and finishes clean - blank cap
Double Scotch Ale - This Scotch is heavily hopped and high in alcohol. - DS
Down Under Lager - Gidday Mate! Here’s your Foster’s style recipe - DU
Downtown Brown - Similar to Smithwick’s Ale. Light in body, heavy in flavor - D
Rusty Anchor Lager -A very tasty Anchor Steam style. Nice bronze color - R
Hirschgarden Marzen - An Oktoberfestbier. A nice deep amber color and malty sweetness - H
Lawnmower Lager - A great summer beer, easy to quaff whilst using power tools - LL
Light Irish Stout - This recipe is lighter than the dry, intense stouts of Ireland. - L
Stunner - A creamy British Pub style pale ale “stunning colour”. - S
Wachusett Pale - Nicely hopped with a beautiful color. Good for a summer stroll - W
For the 98 kettles, that accounts for 63 unique beers. The full listing in declining order of frequency.
I volunteered to help Guido Stein with the Ignite Spatial Boston 2 event Thursday evening. The view of the Charles River from Microsoft NERD facility was splendid!
I greeted all of the hundred folks who came providing a good welcome for them. The event went smoothly actually running a little ahead of schedule so there was extra time for the break between sets of sessions.
The crowd reacted during each presentation, sometimes more so than others. The one thing I didn't like about the Ignite format was the need to wait so long, i.e. the break or after the event to ask a question or converse about the topic. On one extreme from the unconference format where they should be (and usually are) much more interactive.
All in all lots of good ideas on using spatial data (i.e. geolocation) for mapping and other applications to provide services.
More on those ideas after I have had some time to noodle on them a bit.
The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by our speaker, Monica Brunaccini. The facilitator for this week will be Christine Hurley.
We will devote the first hour, from 10 to 11 AM to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs/Leads.
Please arrive early, so we can make every effort to start on time. In the second hour, Monica will talk about "How to Standout in the Crowd."
How to Standout in the Crowd: (Making yourself known in this unique employment market)
Why you really need to network
How to build and expand your community
Developing your own approach - one that will work for you
Building your brand - a strong reputation and following
Leveraging your strengths and what makes you unique
Your toolkit - navigation resources and techniques
Q&A - open discussion
The group meets at St John the Evangelist Parish Center in Hopkinton.
Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.
Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest or Google Maps for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748
From lead organizer, Gil Krispien's email to the Acton Networking Group mailing list.
As a recent user of Foursquare, I find it little used so this 'problem' is seriously being taken out of proportion.
The Truth About Foursquare's "Stalker Problem": It Isn't Foursquare's Problem http://read.bi/9yI560#the5
Google is continuing to leverage best practices from one area into another. They already have a great filter working for email, now they are bringing it to blog comments. Nice!
New Comments System on Blogger http://bit.ly/9jB0us yes, nice to see the continued fine work going on for this platform! #the5
Local news, not very profitably but there is potential. This TBD site is the most recent attempt and it will be interesting to watch to see how it develops.
Why TBD is Important http://bit.ly/cCEYVE "a model for other local efforts around the country" - who's heard of Franklin? #the5
Having helped some non-profits here in Franklin, and about to get into more involvement with one in particular, this could be of use down the road.