Thursday, August 20, 2009

job search notes: feedback letter

Two stories this time, leading to a lesson on creating a great experience.

1 - I trust that my feedback will not create the anticipation and anxiety it used to for me with one boss that I had early on.

It was so early, it was in the days of typewriters. Yes, a long time ago. :-)

Anyway, each report or memo I wrote, needed to go through him first before the secretary would send it out in the old fashioned inter-office mail. The first one I sent him came back with so much red ink on it, I thought someone had spilled a bucket of paint on it.

Over time, I did get to the point were I was able to get the report or memo back with one minor correction. It took time, patience and work but the end result was a great one.

Not that I would ever presume to be your boss, I just don't want my emails to be anticipated with dread.

2 - Tom Asacker tells a story in his book, A Clear Eye for Branding that I would subtitle "Content in Context". Briefly, Tom's story starts with a picture. A hand written sign propped up along a country road. The sign reads: "Fresh fruit and vegetables". The country road, the hand written sign, the text about "fresh" is reinforced by the wholeness of the package. These are likely to be as fresh as they can be. The content in the context works.

Second picture, similar setting, similar hand written sign further along the same country road. The text this time reads: "Free flying lessons". Now, is this something that would convey a warm and fuzzy feeling that this might be the best deal on flying lessons you can obtain? Or does this send off alarms as probably not a good thing to do? The content in the context (free flying lessons) does not work so well as the "fresh vegetables".

The point of the matter this week:
What can you do to ensure that you convey the whole message, and nothing but the message, in the proper context?

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