Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to school routines

This last Sunday before school opens for the new school year, I return to my cooking routine. You may recall that Dolores and I divvy up our household duties. To help her prepare for her kindergarten student friends, I do the food shopping and cooking on the weekends. During the summer, she returns to the kitchen to keep her touch up to speed. With school opening Tuesday, the teachers reporting on Monday, I returned to my cooking today.

So what's for dinner?

A fine meat loaf (recipe here)
3 bean salad (recipe here)
Steamed summer squash

My modifications

On the meatloaf, I used Progresso Italian Seasoned Bread crumbs in place of the plain.

On the 3 bean salad, I used black beans in place of the garbanzo. I did follow their suggestion to use cannellini white beans allow with the red kidney beans.

What are you doing for dinner?