Friday, August 06, 2010

Friday's tweets (otherwise known as good links to share)

Are You Prepared For #HireFriday On #Twitter 140ch #the5

TIME GOES BY | My Bodily Remains: via @addthis "what bothers me most about dying is my naked body" #the5

How to Supercharge Your Social Media Presence With Online Surveys me: How have you used online surveys? #the5

(Frustrated About) Indecision In The Hiring Process "ways to handle an indecisive company"#the5

Access two Gmail accounts at once in the same browser me: another advancement to enhance usability. yea! #the5

and a shameless plug for me on #HireFriday

If you are looking for a savvy IT project manager, you may not have to look any further than me - #hirefriday