Yes, the Band of Brewers was quite active with a back-to-back night of brewing a couple of weeks ago, 6 kettles each night. Which also meant back-to-back bottling nights. I missed Thursday but caught up with the crew on Friday to finish our twelve kettles and divvy up the shares. Lots of variety this time around.
The twelve kettles bring the group to a total of 98. Plans are under way to celebrate with something special for our 100th kettle.
The brew listing for this time:
Bassalope - An easy drinking English style pale ale. Similar to BassBA
Bawstin Lager - This is our Sam Adam’s style Lager. Great for the first timer - BL
Blueberry Ale - A delicious ale. It smells good, tastes good and finishes clean - blank cap
Double Scotch Ale - This Scotch is heavily hopped and high in alcohol. - DS
Down Under Lager - Gidday Mate! Here’s your Foster’s style recipe - DU
Downtown Brown - Similar to Smithwick’s Ale. Light in body, heavy in flavor - D
Rusty Anchor Lager -A very tasty Anchor Steam style. Nice bronze color - R
Hirschgarden Marzen - An Oktoberfestbier. A nice deep amber color and malty sweetness - H
Lawnmower Lager - A great summer beer, easy to quaff whilst using power tools - LL
Light Irish Stout - This recipe is lighter than the dry, intense stouts of Ireland. - L
Stunner - A creamy British Pub style pale ale “stunning colour”. - S
Wachusett Pale - Nicely hopped with a beautiful color. Good for a summer stroll - W
For the 98 kettles, that accounts for 63 unique beers. The full listing in declining order of frequency.
Beer Total
Blueberry Ale - 6
Stunner- 5
Downtown Brown - 3
Hearty Christmas Ale - 3
Killer Honey Ale -3
Lawnmower Lager - 3
Light Irish Stout - 3
Llevar Porter - 3
Bavarian Pilsner - 2
Double Scotch Ale - 2
Dunrovin Stout - 2
Gnarly Barley Wine - 2
Goibniu - 2
Great White Golden - 1
Honey Summer Ale - 2
Lobster Claw - 2
McTartan’s Scotch Ale - 2
Off Kilter Scotch - 2
Oktoberfest Beir - 2
Piper Scottish Ale - 2
Red Tail Ale - 2
Wachusett Pale - 2
A Great BOD - 1
Bassalope - 1
Bawstin Lager - 1
Beaver Back Pale - 1
Castle Brown Ale - 1
Chocolate Cream Stout - 1
Crazed & Confused - 1
Dave's Red - 1
Dean Park Pilsner - 1
Deja Fest - 1
Down Under Lager - 1
Drunken Monk Ale - 1
Dublin’s Half - 1
Forest Fire Red - 1
Fuggle Ambrosia - 1
Greg’s Big Head Stout - 1
Helles Lager - 1
High Sierra Pale - 1
Hirschgarden Marzen - 1
Jeff Beck Lager - 1
Klawtobier - 1
Maple Stout - 1
Mile High Lager - 1
Old Man Winter Ale - 1
Olde English Strong Ale - 1
Queen Bee Lager - 1
Raspberry Wheat - 1
Ray's Bock - 1
Red Head Ale - 1
Red Rider Ale - 1
Rocket Bock - 1
Rusty Anchor Lager - 2
Rye Blond - 1
Sam’s Damn Yummy - 1
Scotch Amber - 1
Special Delivery Ale - 1
Summer Wheat - 1
The Rock - 1
Thoroughbred Red - 1
Tim’s Dim Wit Bier - 1
Top Drop Dopplebock - 1
Grand Total - 98