Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Local collaboration or interdependence

Blogger is celebrating by holding meetups in local communities. The closest one currently to me is in Waltham. I need to confirm my calendar before jumping to host one. Franklin has a bunch of bloggers and this would be a good excuse.
Blogger’s 11th Birthday Party http://bit.ly/dq0Wv7 #the5

Indeed, net neutrality is on the burner again. Last week it was all abuzz about a proposed Google/Verizon collaboration that was vociferously denied. Yet, here it is. I need to read more to see where I sit on this but the initial review says there could be trouble brewing.
A joint policy proposal for an open Internet http://bit.ly/9YMtUL me: so Google and Verizon were up to something after all #the5

Local news is what I provide at Franklin Matters. The Boston Metro area is getting competitive with the Globe, Gatehouse and now Patch (AOL) coming to try and meet the local needs for news. Dave Atkins, a local blogging buddy, writes and coordinates the Westwood Blog.
Hyperlocal News Roundup http://bit.ly/b9Tqa8 me: more on the Patch 'sweatshops' in this listing @daveatkins#the5

Julie writes big. I find something good in almost every posting. Her phrasing today is 'delightful'!
Up and back - http://bit.ly/aHuYQd (via @writingroads) "Sometimes, in the locker room it’s called the t’aint" me: more good writing #the5

George and MaryLynn, my good #SOBCon buddies, are at it again with today's posting on what local businesses should do, i.e. be 'interdependent'
From BIGG Success Small Business Owners Should Be Less Independent - http://bit.ly/aow6ZI "Today’s business model is interdependence"#the5

To summarize, today's theme would be local and collaboration!

What can you share?