Orange welcoming torches
Or fierce "don't you dare
Stray from this road" warnings
Additional sherku can be found on quiet poet
Building your profile can be hard work, so why not let us do it for you? With four clicks you can upload your resume, and then pick and choose which parts of your resume you want to keep. We won't make any changes to your profile until you're ready.
Upload your resume and build your profile in minutes! »
The telephoto lens came in handy to get a good view of these two fawns nestled in the underbrush.
A recent decision and its subsequent modification, both authored by a highly regarded judge in the Business Litigation Session (BLS) of the Massachusetts Superior Court, may signal the direction in which the court will be heading regarding noncompete agreements in Massachusetts.Read the full article by Russell Beck at MassHighTech here
The case is EMC Corp. v. Donatelli. Issued on May 4 and modified on May 21, it is the latest noncompete decision out of the business court, and sends a clear message to the tech community that the court will neither hesitate to enforce reasonable noncompete agreements, nor necessarily enforce such agreements to the full extent written.
again this year here in Franklin MA
No one in history resisted business cards more than me.
I didn't see the need for them. After all, I have CD's. I have a website. Isn't that enough?
Maybe you have your own good reasons for not needing or wanting to have a business card. But hear me out!
As I'm invited to more big events each year, I'm realizing something:
A business card makes you findable. It's one more avenue for connection and outreach.
So, let's say 25 of the 35 people you give your card to toss it out. But what if those other 10 people keep it and remember you? Maybe they decide to subscribe to your blog, or call you about your web design. Remember, it takes multiple avenues to create business connections and income streams.
And yes, that's true even if you're an artist with a website.
So, if you are a reluctant networker like me, here are ten simple tips for basic business card networking...
1 - Listen first
Always remember that the human is more important than the card. Listen when someone speaks to you. Be present to the conversation before reaching into your pocket or purse to shove your card at someone.
2 - Write notes on the back
When you're at a conference collecting lots of cards, you might soon forget the amazing connection you had with someone at lunch. Even if it seems like you could never forget her fabulous taste in clothing or her sparkly eyes, take a second to write on the back of her business card: "Cool jacket, funny laugh. Talked about our dogs. Her dog's name: Charlie." Write it in your own language. Make it brief. Believe me, this works.
3 - Your radiant face
Some people can't stand the idea of using their own photo on their card. It can seem vain.
However, photos work. Photos help you remember the person! Women, especially, remember faces and expressions and will appreciate the extra touch!
4 - One-sided cards
Some cards suffer from TMI Syndrome. Too Much Information! This actually works against you for 2 reasons:
1. Most people don't read all that tiny writing. That's what websites are for - all that extra stuff.
2. When there's writing all over the front and back, there's no room for notes!
5 - Offer a Freebie on the back
If you do choose to put text on the back of your card, try offering a link to a freebie - like a download of your eBook.
6 - Don't get your card made at the nail salon
Is it me? Or do some business cards seem to have a layer of acrylic on them that would make a Jersey manicurist stand up and cheer?
There's just no way to write any notes on these cards! At one point, I found myself carving a note in one of these high gloss cards with the tang on my fork. These cards are often lovely, yes. They're just not practical.
7 - Be discerning
Some people hand out their card like it's Halloween candy. But think about it. Not everyone connects with what you do! It diminishes your authenticity when you randomly hand your card to everyone. Sometimes it's good to ask permission. "Can we exchange cards? I'd like to contact you next week about that."
8 - Keep your card updated
Handing people your card while saying, "Oh wait! That's my old phone number!" Or crossing out an email address. Or writing in a new website address.
This'll make you look like...well, let's be honest...a musician!
9 - Their Card does not equal Your New Subscriber
When someone gives you their card, they're saying, "Let's connect."
They're not saying, "Oh please put me on your mailing list that you send out to your fans, readers and family!"
Honor their trust. Many musicians have put me on their list just because we performed together once. Even if I liked their music, I always felt a little slimed. Don't assume that anyone wants to be on your newsletter list. Always ask first.
10 - Start a database.
If you make a connection, keep that person in a special database. Even if you don't have your own business yet, you never know when you'll want to connect again, or if you have some exciting news to share. ("Hey everyone, I wrote my first book!")
Some of these people will become your cheering section, or even your fans! If you do start a monthly eZine, you can ask people if they want to subscribe. But in the meantime, just begin collecting the names of people you meet. Don't forget to type in the notes you made!
Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it:
Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her 'LiveCreative' weekly ezine with more than 4,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative at www.christinekane.com.
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I was fully domestic on Friday. Just before washing the floor, I put together my newly modified banana bread recipe. During one of the breaks, it was time to come out of the oven. It tastes as good as it looks.
The most recent modification to the recipe already posted here is to add one 6 oz container of low fat yogurt to the ingredients and bake for 70 minutes (not 60 as previously noted). You can add the yogurt in alternating with the flour and banana, or add it just at the end (before either the nuts or chocolate chips).
I have experimented with plain vanilla, strawberry banana, regular strawberry and found them all worthy additions. The addition is not enough to change the flavor base. The key is that the yogurt helps the banana bread remain moist.
Actually, we are getting ready for an end-of-school-year party Thursday evening. This is temporary placement until they get spread around the day of.
Meantime, the arrangement looked like a interesting photo op.
Getting up real close to the floor on Friday, I found out why Dolores was complaining about the floor. It has chip marks. Something dropped on the floor and chipped the ceramic tile. The beige coloring has been replace by a dark mark. So even after washing the floor, you stand there and see all these marks on the floor. Such that you want to bend over and pick up the piece of dirt or whatever it could be.
One solution is to find a color match with some enamel paint. A little dab here, a little dab there. Now when you look at the floor, it does truly look clean and just washed.
I had done this treatment to a few chips on the floor some time ago. I guess I could have done it sooner. However, there is no time like the present to do what needs to be done.
Do you have a secret to share on making a job well done really noticeable?
Sue Connolly has a good posting on FriendWork. You can read the remainder of this here.I hate the term “networking!” It sounds artificial and a bit calculating.
Networking better describes IT systems rather than trying to explain the magic of flesh and blood human beings who connect and help each other in much more meaningful ways.
I’d rather think of it instead as a FriendWork.
What makes life worthwhile is really our family and friends. They also have a huge impact in our careers since research shows that we get jobs primarily through people we know.
Now, I'll admit that seeing Ben's name really caught my attention. I believe in Ben. He is one of the inspirations behind my tri-corner hat. His response to my current home town (named for him) was a superb piece of diplomacy. His method should be given consideration.
It's been said that the best new ideas are the best old ideas.
In other words, there's no need to reinvent the wheel in your job search if others before you have found ways to succeed.
What if I told you there was a success “system,” invented by Benjamin Franklin in the 1730s that helped create millionaires in the 1930s when unemployment stood at 25%?
Do you think it might help you find a job faster today with unemployment at less than 9%?
June 2009. Midpoint for the year at hand. Time for a mid-summer night's dream. Time for reflection on what has happened thus far.
Each month we stop and look back over the month with Rapid Fire Learning. This opportunity is a more powerful view, five plus months worth of actions and achievements to review. Are we still going this way?
I started the year with 3 goal words: Basic, Leverage, Return. You have permission to click through and read that posting before continuing. I'll wait.
You can read the reminder of this mid-year self-review on the Joyful Jubilant Learning blog as my contribution for this month.
This past weekend at the Unstoppable Power of Intention Retreat, there was a collective intention among the women in the circle:
To live bigger. To shine brighter. To step into her power.
In other words...
Time to let go of past limitations. Time to quit worrying about the opinions of others. Time to stop playing small.
So, I invite you to join with these women (and me!) in this bigness!
It's the halfway point of the year. This is the perfect time to re-ignite, re-inspire, and re-invigorate your visions and dreams. Here are five steps to stop playing small and start living BIG.
1 - Mind your Mind
Your thoughts are things. They can be powerful tools, or devastating weapons.
It's not always easy or quick to clean up years of negativity. AND the truth is you are the only one who can begin to do just that. If you're constantly berating yourself, doubting yourself, obsessing about the opinions of others, then set your intention to turn that around.
Listen to upbeat audiobooks in your car. Post affirmations in spots where you'll see them throughout the day. Start a gratitude journal.
Remind yourself: "Energy flows where attention goes," and place your attention on gratitude, love, and joy. Be relentless! You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought!
2 - Take Action
Long ago, when I was trying to get confident enough to do my first open-mic night, I chickened out three different times, walking out of the venues without performing. I was waiting for self-esteem to appear.
It never appeared. But finally, with a shaky voice, I did my first open-mic night anyway. What I discovered was this:
Self-esteem shows up BECAUSE you take action. Not before!
Here's a mantra for you: "Create! Don't wait!"
What one action-step can you take toward your dream today?
3 - Radiate Success
Do you whine and complain to anyone who will listen? Do you tell your sad story to get people to feel sorry for you and give you a break? Do you see yourself as a victim who can't CREATE outcomes, so you try to manipulate outcomes?
Living big means that you radiate success.
Stop posting to Facebook or Twitter about how miserable you are. Don't share how bad things are at the office with your clients. Refrain from whining to the gallery visitor about how the economy is terrible for artists! (Save that stuff for your coach if you need to get it out of your system.)
Remember this: Like attracts like. When you radiate success, then success is drawn to you. In the Uplevel Your Life Mastery Program, there's an exercise to help you BECOME success in an instant. It creates huge outcomes! (Just read the testimonial today!)
4 - Regularly Exit your Comfort Zone
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got!"
This is one of my favorite expressions. Cuz it's true!
I've worked with hundreds of people as a mentor, a coach, a leader of retreats. The ones who write me emails about how their lives have changed are always the ones who are willing to exit their comfort zones. They try new things. They let themselves get scared. They say yes to new opportunities. They take time to go within and ask themselves what they want next and how they can create it. (Rather than staying on auto-pilot.)
People who live big have one thing in common: They learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable!
5 - Surround Yourself with Support
I hired my first coach nine years ago. I paid him more per month than my mortgage at the time! I've since been a part of many coaching groups and masterminds - continuing to invest in this model of massive support. I swear by it!
That's because we need to surround ourselves with encouraging believers who see through our limiting beliefs to the huge powerful souls that we are. Many people work and socialize in toxic environments. If this is you, then you might need to step out of your comfort zone and actively seek out positive people who want to create and attract their dreams. Find those who want to live big like you!
One way to start surrounding yourself with support is to jump in and register for my free teleseminar: 5 Action Steps to Take your Life to the Next Level This Summer. It's tonight! You can register by clicking this link:
Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it:
Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her 'LiveCreative' weekly ezine with more than 4,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative at www.christinekane.com.
WANT TO SEE HUNDREDS MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE?It is important to remember that millions of Americans do not have credit cards and many do not have bank accounts. Using Twitter as a way to transfer money would makes local businesses into simple versions of banks.It is also important to stop and think about this.
From the Collapse of Distinction by Scott McKain
"Scott, I believe the biggest problem in education today is 'Sesame Street'." I immediately responded with a profound, "Huh?"
Calmly my former educator asked me, "Scott, who taught you your ABC's?"
I answered truthfully, "Well, my mother and my grandmother."
"Of course," she said. "However, for the past thirty years, young people have been taught their ABC's by Big Bird, and Pert and Ernie. That means they arrive on the steps of this school for their very first day of formal instruction expecting to be entertained as they are educated."
Jay Heaps gets recognition for his 300th MLS game at the start of today's game.
He scored in the first half extra time to give the Revs a 1-0 lead. That goal turned out to be the winning goal as the Revs added 3 more in the second half and held the Red Bulls scoreless.
Taylor scored two goals in the second half, the first of the two was his 100th MLS goal.
Matt Reis recorded his 50th shutout also an MLS milestone!
The Revs played a good first half but played even better in the second half. With Twellman up top, and Joseph back in his normal spot, the team was really clicking on the field.
Way to go Revs!
I drove Dad down to Westbrook, CT to participate in the flag ceremony honoring Jean H Joyal. Jean was one of my mother's brothers. He passed away February 24, 2009.
Albert Joyal coordinated this tribute to his brother. The Westbrook Honor Guard performed the flag ceremony, gun salute, and taps with the full military protocol. They were surrounded by over 60 flags from the Patriot Guard Riders.
It was an impressive and moving ceremony.
Additional photos from the event are now posted on Jerry's Story, You can find them with these links:
Let's talk about a good experience:
The sign has a good play on words (seafood fresh, prices frozen)
The restaurant provided excellent food and good service in a family comfortable atmosphere.
Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale is a good experience!
There are two locations, the family restaurant is in Westbrook, CT and the drive-in restaurant is in Madison, CT.
Customers seek that magical quality of distinction! As we have already discovered, distinction is developed by organizations and professionals that first develop clarity about what they are -- followed by creativity in their approach -- then communicate their story in a compelling manner. It is no coincidence that these organizations that we are tired of hearing about -- Southwest, Starbucks, Apple, and so forth -- are the ones that most frequently tell their stories in a precise and compelling manner. Yet why is it so difficult to find other examples? I suggest the reason is that so few organizations or individuals in business today understand the basics of telling the compelling story.From the Collapse of Distinction by Scott McKain
If you would like to connect on LinkedIn, please feel free to do so and reference this blog post or other appropriate connection for us.
You can now subscribe to just the "job search notes" if you'd like. You can subscribe via this link.
The truth is you don't have the time or energy to create highly distinctive customer experiences for a widely varied assembly of widely diverse customers.From the Collapse of Distinction by Scott McKain
The Ebert Effect: When people, from their perspective, are inundated with indistinguishable choices, they perceive a product, service, approach, or experience with a specific point of differentiation to be superior.
Consider the amalgamation of challenges: the constantly elevating demands of customers, a tightening economy, and more competitors than ever -- that are easier for prospects to access. How could you possibly consider doing business in today's economic and competitive climate without being differentiated? Establishing distinction in your market -- and starting now -- is vital in creating the future you want for your organization in today's hypercompetitive global economy.
You can now subscribe to just the "job search notes" if you'd like. You can subscribe via this link.
If you cannot find it within yourself to become emotional, committed, engaged, and yes, fervent about differentiation, then you had better be prepared to take your place among that vast throng of the mediocre who are judged by their circumstances solely on the basis of price. It is the singularly worst place to be in all of business. If you aren't willing to create distinction for yourself in your profession -- and for your organization in the marketplace -- then prepare to take your seat in the back, with the substantial swarm of the similar, where tedium reigns supreme.
Beginner, intermediate, or advanced - what’s next is on everyone’s mind, right?
If you’re wondering what’s next in social media, there’s no better place to find out than at PodCamp, regardless of whether you’re just getting started or you’re a veteran practitioner. Unlike other conferences which are just talking head affairs, PodCamp gives you the opportunity to learn, share, and grow your skills at any level, helping your community as it helps you
Podcasting and social media has gone beyond the geek set this year and many of us are engaging with businesses and corporations to educate them. At Podcamp Boston 4 lies the opportunities to teach people and companies about podcasting and social media. Learn from others who have a wealth of knowledge to share.
The peer-to-peer learning available from this event has a great return on investment (ROI). What ever you can put into it, you will get something in return.