Friday, May 11, 2007

Franklin makes news in Maine

Yes, the world is flat, what we do here is indeed watched elsewhere:

For a small window on what life might be like in a world "post TABOR" one has only to look to our former "motherland" to the south where "Prop 2-1/2" has brought about great distress among educators and town leaders alike.

Steve Sherlock an educator/blogger has been describing, in a series of entries, the daily anguish taking place in his town of Franklin, MA where proposed budget cuts, "pink slips" and efforts to "override Prop 2-1/2" have taken over. And it's not apparently limited to school personnel; the town library, police and fire department are all facing drastic cuts. All because a piece of legislation was put in place that makes the cuts automatic. And, all this in a town that has $4 million in a savings account from a lawsuit settlement several years ago.

Note: TABOR is an acronym for "Taxpayer Bill of Rights"

You can read the full story from our northern neighbors here

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