Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Myths vs. Realities

Ed Cafasso has a good summary of some of the myths making the rounds with the reality behind them. The article is posted on the Franklin School Committee blog.

These are the myths covered:

MYTH: The Town and the Schools don’t have a long-term plan.
MYTH: The Town and the Schools don’t have any fiscal discipline.
MYTH: The Town and the Schools are not doing anything to address ongoing budget problems.
MYTH: The Town and the Schools have negotiated sweetheart deals with all the public employee unions.
MYTH: The schools have laid off teachers as a scare tactic to get more people to support the override.
MYTH: The Town should have done more to plan for a revenue shortfall.
MYTH: The schools have never tried to reduce spending.
MYTH: The fact that all these new buildings are going up, like the new fire station and the new senior center, must mean that the Town has the money it needs.

Read the realities behind each of these here.

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