Thursday, March 29, 2007

Stop Cyberbullying

Andy Carvin is advocating for stopcyberbullying this Friday. I applaud his efforts and will add my 2 cents to endorse it here and elsewhere.

In my advocation of this is I would not limited this to just one day. We should practice this every day.

We need to treat each other with respect. We need to have civil conversations.

The more we do this the better off we will all be.

Read Andy's posting on this here.

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  1. Aloha Steve, I was not successful in sending you a trackback; here is a posting I've done today in full agreement with what you express here.

  2. Rosa, thank you! You said it very well (as you usually do).

    Trackbacks don't work on Blogger blogs. I get to send them via Haloscan but even that doesn't allow them to come into Blogger.
