Friday, March 16, 2007

Quotes & Links

From Roy H Williams writing at The MondayMorningMemo:
Advertising isn't working like it did a few years ago. You've noticed this, right?

Most advertisers are convinced that technology is to blame.

TV advertisers will tell you that TiVo and her sister Digital Video Recorders are blocking their television ads. But according to a recent report released by Leichtman Research Group, only 12 percent of American households own a DVR.

But TV ad results are down far more than 12 percent.
Read the full memo to find out more about "The Faded Color of Empty Words"

From Patti Digh writing at 37Days

"Reading Pippi Longstocking when I was seven gave me a new lease on life. I felt pretty homely and different, and Pippi was so out there, with her freckles and upside-down braids, one black sock and one brown. She was so feisty and hilarious and powerful. I wanted her to be my best friend, and I also knew that she lived inside me. That was such a great secret--that inside me I was okay if Pippi was. I wanted to grow up and tell stories like hers, about girls who kicked butt."

Some may remember my own identification with Pippi. Redheaded and all, I once stood vigil in Stockholm outside the aging and ailing author's home, Astrid Lundgren.

I think it's abundantly clear--Anne Lamott is stalking me.

I am finally reading "Bird by Bird" and do recognize a great deal of similarity between Patti and Anne. If you have not discovered Patti, please click through to read more of "Claim your inner Pippi".

From the wonderful Christine Kane writing on her blog

The biggest lesson I get from the Neil Young concert is about taking chances, and being alive, and tossing your ideas out in the world. The problem is not so much in the “how you say it” or “what you say” stuff. The problem is the expectation that the response even should be hollering and whooping all the time. If you were always going for the sure thing and the woo-hoo’s, then you’d be the Beach Boys in any city on any night in July.

No one knows what was in Neil Young’s head as he performed that night. But every performer knows the temptation to try and get that screaming intensity on every song. Probably there’s a similar toxic pressure in the marketing world.

Read more of what Christine has to say about the Neal Young video clip that Seth Godin started the conversation on earlier this week.


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