Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Book Review - The Monk & The Riddle

Randy Komisar: The Monk and the Riddle; The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur

An odd title for a business book, or rather a book about the business of life. I guess it is meant to hook you, draw you in, and much as the monk did, put your hand on the shoulder of the narrator and go for a ride. It is an easy ride with fun and laughter and serious business set in California. The fact that the stock euphoria has ended, that the internet bubble has burst, makes this all the more insightful. Randy Komisar is a native New Yorker who, while schooling in RI, gradually and eventually found his way to his current title of Virtual CEO in Silicon Valley. He did not start out heading this way. One connection led to another. One door closing led to another one opening. Patience and awareness of himself (his strengths, his opportunities) were his primary guides as he came to understand that “When all is said and done, the journey itself is the reward”. Hop on and enjoy the ride!

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