Saturday, September 18, 2004

Saturday in the rain

Raining cats and dogs. Fowl weather. Hey, where's Noah? Is the Ark ready? Yes, the remnants of what was Hurricane Ivan cruised through New England this morning. The Franklin (MA) High School Cross Country Team was competing at a meet in Lincoln, RI. The weather was good for serious runners. Nice and cool. The race was held on the grounds of an old farm and as the morning progressed, the surface got slicker. The course went along the outside of the formerly planted fields. Machinery has not been along these paths in a while so the ruts have grown over. (I appreciated the attitude of several runners who did not let the weather faze them. After all, everyone had the same conditions. Some were clearly whiners. They could have stayed home.) At one point, I found myself on the top of the ridge along the course, looking down to where the finish line was and the colorful raincoated umbrella clutching crowd of teammates, coaches, family and friends braving the weather to cheer their runners on. I wish I had the camera with me. The rain was coming down hard. The clouds were rolling over the nearby hill. It was a sight to remember. Oh well, it would have gotten wet. So I did a mental click and recalled it here.

My prayers go to those recovering from the fury of Ivan. It will take awhile to put their lives and homes back together.

Weather can affect us if we let it. Do you let weather affect you? Why? Why not?

1 comment:

  1. course not, i've always been one for "singing in the rain", what can i say i had a good teacher. ~Allie
