Let's close out this year and get started on 2012 the same way.
The full set can be viewed here
The amaryllis has three blossoms now. A new one opened today! Looks like there will be at least one more from this stem.
Plenty of color and life to enjoy!
Kabir says this: When the guest is being searched for, it is the intensity of the longing for the guest that does all the work. Look at me, and you will see a slave of that intensity.Bly also either influences or appears in some of my own writing. For example, The Scorecard, written in 2007:
The rain was heavy overnight. The breeze is strong this morning, chasing the clouds away.
Not too quickly. The sun plays with the clouds and its rainbow of color. Changes occur in an instant.
Take a moment to stop and observe the show!
So give people an experience that reveals the vision and intention behind your idea. An experience that conveys look, feel, and, especially, meaning in a no spin, passionate way. An experience that allows people to alter their own attitudes of mind, without a hint of external persuasion. An experience that creates a motivation to act.
Address Is Approximate from The Theory on Vimeo.
Section 38. Whoever is admitted as an attorney shall in open court take and subscribe the oaths to support the constitution of the United States and of the commonwealth; and the following oath of office shall be administered to and subscribed by him:
I (repeat the name) solemnly swear that I will do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly or willingly promote or sue any false, groundless or unlawful suit, nor give aid or consent to the same; I will delay no man for lucre or malice; but I will conduct myself in the office of an attorney within the courts according to the best of my knowledge and discretion, and with all good fidelity as well to the courts as my clients. So help me God.
The United Regional Chamber of Commerce | 42 Union Street | Attleboro | MA | 02703 |
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