Thursday, March 30, 2006
Fireworks? No, not really...
To a Reflection - W.S. Merwin
even if we know better
seeing is believing
though you write backwards
your left our right
so that we never can read you
if there is any message
directed toward us from
the other side which we
cannot touch cannot reach
and can see only from here
where there is something you seem
to be showing us over
and over again without
a sound as though you were
the light itself returning
apparently to the same place
From Present Company, Poems by W.S. Merwin
Technorati Tags : poetry, poem, Merwin
To This May - W.S. Merwin
the heart we are told but the world
still seems to come one at a time
one day one year one season and here
it is spring once more with its birds
nesting in the holes in the walls
its morning finding the first time
its light pretending not to move
always beginning as it goes
From Present Company, Poems by W.S. Merwin
Technorati Tags : poetry, poem, Merwin
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Elder drivers - Pro/Con - Continued
As the number of elders increases dramatically in the next few years, there are questions all elders, and local governments and communities, need to consider: Should a different kind of testing be required for elder drivers? If so, at what frequency? Should there be a standard cutoff age for driving in later years as we have for teenage beginning drivers? Are there medical conditions that should automatically require revocation of driving privileges? Should there be an age at which license renewal by mail is no longer allowed?In the comments, I posed the argument that age should not be the single factor, nor should there be a single factor in determining a license.
I would further propose that the license be granted upon successful completion of the following for anyone and everyone who seeks to obtain a license:
1 - financial wherewithal; proof of ownership of said auto and proof of insurance
2 - basic driving skill; annual written & driving test up to 21, bi-annual written & driving test to 55, and a return to an annual written & driving test thereafter
3 - validation of physical fitness to be capable of driving (with legitimate exceptions for handicap individuals in vehicles with adjustments for their handicaps)
What do you think?
Technorati Tags : license, auto, youth, elders, MA
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Running out of gas
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Concert Driving
Saturday, March 25, 2006
CoComment Problems
We current face massive DNS problems to We are currently hosting our DNS as and they issued the following statement currently experiences massive distributed denial of service attacks against nameservers.
This affects DNS resolution of itself, and also domains which make use of nameservers.
We are very sorry for this issue, but we are working hard for a permanent solution.
Thank you for your understanding.Unfortunately, we are also affected by this and is thus often not reachable from various locations. We are currently trying to move our DNS to another hoster, but that unfortunately takes time and as joker is quite busy it’s probably even harder than usual.
We are really sorry about this and apologize for any inconvenience you encounter. We hope the situation goes back to normal soon.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Quotes & Links
Let's assume you wanted to foster a sustainable and vibrant community over time, and you wanted to be publicly accountable to that goal along the way. What would you do? The city of Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia, came up with 13 indicators of what they believed to be a sustainable community, and then dared to publish their progress for all to see. The Sustainable Community Progress Indicators (SCPI) project is an attempt to focus the efforts of a city and its citizens toward making real progress.
There are four myths about teams which are particularly deadly because each of them is nearly true.
Myth1: Talent is the most important thing in any team
Myth2: The team’s goals won't suddenly change without anyone realising it
Myth3: 'Collaboration' means basically the same thing to all team members
Myth4: You should always play 'win-win'
Read the full posting here.
From Jory DesJardins writing at Pause comes up with this great advice:
All I can tell them is that blogging forces expertise. You must read and interact in order to have something to say. If you don't want to have something to say, don't blog. And don't read blogs. Sure, you can read trade publications, but the act of blogging enforces a deeper thinking of your craft. It's hard to blog about something that you haven't grappled with and come to a conclusion on in some way.
Read the full posting here.
Technorati Tags : blog, blogging, Pause, Bumble+Bee, Artful+Manager
Portnoy Family Situation
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Quotes & Links
It begins in school. You ought to be good at math; or English, or art, or whatever. If you aren't, you're a bad person. Pull yourself together. Make more effort. Get a grip!
Here's the reality. Some people are good at certain things, some people aren't…but we're all good at something. It's simply something different from whatever the next person's good at.
That's it. Not an "ought" in sight.
Read the full posting here.
From Kathy Sierra at Creating Passionate Users comes this gem:
One of the most interesting things discussed in the Time article is that neuroscientists have established the specific area of the brain responsible for context switching. And unfortunately for some of us, it appears that this part of the brain performs less well as our brain ages. In a nutshell, the older we get, the less quickly and effectively we can multitask. But... most parents of teenagers already know that we have no frickin' idea how our kids manage to do what they do simultaneously. The key issue, though, is that while we now know they're better at it than we (the parents) are, they aren't half as good at it as they think they are.
And chances are, you aren't as good at it as you think you are. ; )
Read the full posting here.
From Geoffrey Moore at Dealing with Darwin comes this insight that might be applicaable to those who have "best in class" in their vision statement somewhere.
Best in class falls between these two goals. It is not sufficiently differentiated to be unique, and thus it does not create bargaining power. But it goes well beyond the minimum acceptable standard, which means you have spent a bunch of resources beyond what you had to and achieved no economic return for so doing!
That’s why “best in class” is a sucker bet.
Read the full posting here.
Kevin Sites In the Hot Zone - Gulsoma's Story
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Ego Surf Results

Technorati Tags : blog, blogging, ego, TGB
Monday, March 20, 2006
Technorati IS Broken - New Example

Does that mean Seth can add them up and move higher in the rankings?
Or does Technorati really have a problem?
Updated: 9:44 PM
Checked out the ranking by Favorites and Seth's Blog is listed twice again.
At 30 with 51 people making him a "favorite" and at 98 with another 20 making him a "favorite".
Technorati Tags : tags, ranking, Technorati
Songs on the road
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Call for 100Bloggers!
Then add 100 Bloggers to your Technorati Favorites.
It's a numbers game. If we ALL participate, we will break into Technorati's Top 40 Favorites by the end of the week-end.
Technorati is currently tracking more than 30 million blogs. The Corner on National Review Online, No.100 on Technorati's Top 100 (by links), has more than 12,700 links from 2,400 sites. Generating these kinds numbers takes time. This is your opportunity to shortcut evolution.
Technorati IS Broken (Redux)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Quotes & Links
Blogging is an excellent brain activity. As reported here before, studies from Drs. Fernette and Brock Eide show:
- Blogs can promote critical and analytical thinking.
- Blogging can be a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive, and associational thinking.
- Blogs promote analogical thinking.
- Blogging is a powerful medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information.
- Blogging combines the best of solitary reflection and social interaction.
Read Ronni's full posting here.
New Conversion Table1. Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo Pi
2. 2000 pounds of Chinese soup = Won ton
3. 1 millionth of a mouthwash = 1 microscope
4. Time between slipping on a peel and smacking the pavement = 1
Be sure to click through for the full listing. Be prepared for a belly full of laughs.
Via Kate at 800-CEO-READ-BLOG comes this inside story on the famous (or infamous) cubicle. I was once a cubicler but was fortunate to have a phone booth type office for the past couple of years and apparently am headed back to cubicleville so I found this was most enlightening.
The cubicle was not born evil, or even square. It began, in fact, as a beautiful vision. The year was 1968. Nixon won the presidency. The Beatles released The White Album. And home-furnishings company Herman Miller (Research) in Zeeland, Mich., launched the Action Office. It was the brainchild of Bob Propst, a Coloradan who had joined the company as director of research.
After years of prototyping and studying how people work, and vowing to improve on the open-bullpen office that dominated much of the 20th century, Propst designed a system he thought would increase productivity (hence the name Action Office). The young designer, who also worked on projects as varied as heart pumps and tree harvesters, theorized that productivity would rise if people could see more of their work spread out in front of them, not just stacked in an in-box.
The new system included plenty of work surfaces and display shelves; partitions were a part of it, intended to provide privacy and places to pin up works in process. The Action Office even included varying desk levels to enable employees to work part of the time standing up, thereby encouraging blood flow and staving off exhaustion.
Read the full article here.
Technorati Tags : cubicles, brains, food, thought, elders, working, learning
Powered By Qumana
Go where?
You can't go anywhere. Because you're already there.
Good for ?
- Dominant mindset: is it AJAX, is it RSS, is it geo-located, does it have an API, does it plug into Google Maps, is there a tag cloud? Several people walked out of my session when it became clear that Gootodo had none of these.
- I'm always reminded at events like these - the technology industry is about building technology and selling it; not primarily about improving users' lives. (Again, with some exceptions..)
- The tech industry isn't particularly for or against improving users' lives - it's just not the primary agenda. Cool gadgets, big sales numbers, hefty IPOs - those are the primary goal; genuinely helping users to be more productive is a possible nice-to-have side effect.
- So what do we call the group of people, companies, projects that are primarily about improving users' lives through better technology? The "good experience tech industry"? (GETI? That's not a keeper, just a first draft...) I'm open to suggestions.
Yes, some "get it", some don't!
Technorati Tags : good+experience, technology, get+it
Monday, March 13, 2006
Quotes & Links
Sheila McKechnie has said, “People who are homeless are not social
inadequates. They are people without homes.”
From Ruby Sinriech writing at Lotusmedia about a SXSW session:
Jason says that it’s great to start thing up “on the side.” This is how 37signals started Basecamp. He points out that obscurity is good for getting started so you can screw up & learn from it before every one is watching.
He says “less” is an asset.
1. Less time. You’ll just waste it anyway.
2. Less money. See above.
3. Less software. Keep it simple “Clever stuff” gets in the way.
And finally (for this posting) from Jennifer Warwick writing at The New Charm School:
... it’s all made up anyway. It’s human nature to fill in blanks when we don’t have all the data. So why not make up that it’s something that will change the world for the better? It’s the same amount of work, and you get more accomplished.
Yes, focus on the positive!
Technorati Tags : women, politics, positive, people, 37Days
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I go by my schedule (not a work schedule).
I get to take a walk with Dolores. This gives us some prime time to review our stuff, discuss the schedule of the week ahead (yes, we plan ahead sometimes, although I have been accused of not paying proper attention to some items), and stop for coffee to walk with on our last mile home.
I get to catch up on some reading, writing, blogging, etc.
I get to mix all this in with my family/household chores (cleaners, food shopping, house stuff, etc.)
I get to listen to the Coffeehouse, then Standing Room Only on 88.9 FM.
This afternoon I'll change channels to catch Brian O'Donovan and his Celtic Sojourn, then Folk on 89.7 FM
I hope your Saturday is enjoyable!
Technorati Tags : music, schedule, chores, family, balance
Friday, March 10, 2006
Quotes & Links
Lately I've been having a lot of sidebar discussions with readers about finding that way to make a living at the intersection of What You Love (your passion), What You're Good At (your gift), and What's Needed (your purpose). Knowing your Genius (where your gift and passion intersect -- areas 2 & 3 in the above chart) is helpful in providing focus -- it helps you to set aside self-indulgences (things you love but are not acknowledged as very good at by others) and unfulfilling options (things you're acknowledged as very good at, but don't really have any passion for).
Always make your questions bigger than your answers.
“ … all growth lies in the territory of the unknown. What we already know is in the past. What we have yet to discover is the future. Always make your questions bigger than your answers and you’ll keep drawing yourself into a bigger future with new possibilities.”
So why is he so anxious to discredit Broken Windows? One—understandable—explanation is that he makes his own argument more compelling by dismissing all other arguments. (I know all about this tactic. I do it all the time). But a deeper explanation, I think, has to do with the difference between the perspective of economics and the perspective of psychology. Levitt is very interested in the root causes of behavior, in the kinds of incentives and circumstances that fundamentally shape the way human beings act. That’s the kind of thing that economists—particularly behavioral economists—think a lot about. And rightly so: who we are and how we behave is a product of forces and influences rooted in the histories and traditions and laws of the societies in which we belong.
Steel over stone. Fat over bone. Excess over lack. That has always been the natural human aspiration. This has led to mistakes, which is human nature too, but retrogression is not human in nature. The solution is improvement, as it always has been. And the simpler the improvement, the better. Simplified progress. Progressive simplicity.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
What makes a great leader?
So let me put in my two cents.
I like to use the analogy of the three legged stool to represent a business. That is, a business needs to effectively combine people, process and technology. But while the three legged stool works well to show an equal proportion for each of the components (otherwise, it wobbles) it lacks another dimension, in particular that of time or motion. The chair (i.e. business) moves. The business does not stand still. So let's shift gears a bit and use a bus to depict the business.
The bus still needs to operate with an effective combination of people, process and technology. That does not change. So now, the bus driver is the company leader. In this case, he is not just any leader. A great leader is one who knows how to get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus (hard decisions some times), the proper technology to enhance the business processes, and the right processes to serve the customer. The great leader also knows how to drive the whole bus forward. The great leader knows how to navigate through the maze of roads, or even venture forth into off-road areas.
FastCompany republished or more correctly brought to back an article originally published in September 2005 on Three Ways of Great Leaders. Two Harvard Business School professors (Mayo and Nohria) found in their study
... these business masters had more than their fair share of what Mayo and Nohria call "contextual intelligence." That is, they possessed an acute sensitivity to the social, political, technological, and demographic contexts that came to define their eras. And they adapted their enterprises to best respond to those forces.You can call it "contextual intelligence" or inspiration or insight or some other term but the great leader recognized an opportunity. Someone in the market place, possibly a significant portion of the market, had an unmet need. The great leader recognized that and figured out a way to meet that need. The great leader got the bus, loaded the right people, process and technology and set forth to meet that need. Without that recognition, there is no purpose for the bus!
Initially, there may not even have been a road to drive on. But the great leader got the bus going. There were other challenges along the way. You can use your imagination here. Bottom line, the great leader kept the bus going. The great leader kept the people focused (challenged, rewarded, etc.), the processes (adjusted as necessary), and the technology (updated or enhanced as required) to meet their customers needs and the bus kept rolling.
Vision alone won't take the great leader far.
Persistence alone in the face of great odds won't.
Recognition alone of the opportunity won't.
It is the combination of these that the great leader needs to address on a regular basis to keep the bus (people, process and technology) going to successfully meet their customers needs.
How is your bus driver?
Technorati Tags : leadership, business, synergy
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What makes a Great Leader?
I thought I was going to be able to step up to the bar tonight to provide my first response but alas time is short and my pillow is calling me.
You can step up to the bar anytime with your own response!
Technorati Tags : synergy, great+leader
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Fifty-Ninth Street Bridge Song (Feeling Groovy)
Slow down, you move too fast
You gotta make the morning last
Just kickin' down the cobblestones
Lookin' for fun and
Feelin' groovy____________
Hello lampost
Whatcha knowin?
I've come to watch your flowers growin'
Ain'tcha got no rhymes for me?
Doo Bee Doo Doo,
Feelin' groovy____________
Got no deeds to do
No promises to keep
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morningtime drop all its petals on me...
Life, I love you,
All is groovy____________________
The Boxer
I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told.
I have squandered my resistance,
For a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises.
All lies and jest.
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy,
In the company of strangers,
In the quiet of a railway station, runnin' scared.
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters,
Where the ragged people go.
Lookin' for the places, only they would know.
Lie-la-lie ...
Asking only workman's wages I come lookin' for a job,
But I get no offers,
Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue.
I do declare there were times when I was so lonesome,
I took some comfort there.
Oooh la, la, la ...
Li la li...
Now the years are rollin' by me, they are rockin' evenly
And I'm older than I once was, younger than I'll be, that's not unusual
Though it isn't strange, after changes upon changes
We are more or less the same, after changes we are more or less the same
Li la li ...
And I’m laying out my winter clothes, wishing I was gone, goin’ home
Where the new york city winters aren’t bleedin’ me, leadin’ me to goin' home
In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade,
And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down,
Or cut him 'til he cried out in his anger and his shame,
"I am leaving, I am leaving."
But the fighter still remains.
Lie-la-lie ...
Monday, March 06, 2006
Technorati is broken
No, not with who was listed! These are my favorites. They provide me sustenance on a regular basis. I get much food for thought from reading them. So when I see that Technorati says they have not been updated in 2, 3, and many more days (Worthwhile is listed with no update!) then I know something is wrong with Technorati.
Check out the listing and see for yourself.
Seth Godin posted 6 times today but has not been updated in 1 day.
Talking Story was updated earlier today but has not been updated in 2 days.
Troy Worman, the prolific blogger at Orbit Now, has not been updated in 6 days. Yes, and the sun won't rise tomorrow!
Oh, cute little aside - spell check within Blogger provides a suggestion for Technorati as "degenerate"... no I did not make that up... that's too cool...
Technorati Tags : Technorati, degenerate, links, favorites
Bridge Over Troubled Water
When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
I'm on your side, when times get rough
And friends just can't be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
When you're down and out,
When you're on the street,
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you.
I'll take your part when darkness comes,
And pains is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Sail on silvergirl,
Sail on by.
Your time has come to shine.
All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine.
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
A timeless classic by two great troubadours!
Book Review: Paul Simon, The Definitive Biography - Laura Jackson
That much said, this book left me wanting.
If as the cover blurbs, Linda Jackson is such a great writer on celebrities, how come she never talked with Paul?
While I did learn some good background info on Paul, the writing style was more like watching a profile on VH1. You know where they always recap before the break away for commercial, and then recap again when they comeback. Somewhat annoying.
It was a fairly quick read and I did make it through it but it would not be high on my list of recommendation to anyone.
Technorati Tags : Paul+Simon, Graceland, Garfunkel, music
Sunday, March 05, 2006
FeedBurner issue/Resolved
Thanks for your patience.
Updated- thanks to some guidance from Rick Klau, the issue appears to be resolved! Thanks Rick!
By any other name
What's in a brand name?
That which we call a Dell
By any other name would suck as much.
So the mac mini would, were it not a mac called,
Retain that dear perfection which it owes
Without that title.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Hitchhiker's Needed
Yes, happy blogversary to you and I Troy for our work on Hitchhiker!
The purpose of Hitchhiker is to create a simple post to share another blogger site that has been "found" in your explorations. Preferably the blogger would be part of the "long tail". But the blogger site would be doing something different or in an interesting way.
As Troy so aptly put it a year ago:
The blogosphere is a giant time capsule that offers a panoramic view of our world. It is a collection of personal expressions that represent virtually every human perspective of our times. It is filled with millions of personal accounts, diaries, essays, stories and photos. It is filled with art. It is filled with emotion. It is filled with thought. It is our collective conscience. Better than any collection of books or articles, the blogosphere will capture the story of our existence.
I look forward to getting to a trail and hike in the spring.
You get a water bottle, a snack, your good comfy boots,
your camera, etc. together in your day pack
and arrive at the trail head.
You sign in on the trail log.
Check the sign out comments, usually some good info there.
Almost a real time update that the guide book can not provide.
And start walking.
It will be simple to do.
As you find a good site, new to you at least, that you think others might appreciate, write a brief post about it.
You can include a quote or two (or more) to show what they are capable of.
And add your point of view, why is this something we should look at?
Send the posting to me shersteve_@_gmail_com
I'll post the note, provide you with credit, tags, and a link so you can reference it.
PS - one other important item, the posting should be positive. There are so many blogs in the world we should focus on the ones that should have the light shine upon then. There is no need to "reward" those that do not need deserve this light.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
37Days Challenge Redux
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Greatest Written Passage??
When it comes to appreciation of writing, I'm a believer that less is more. I prefer poetry and short stories to novels, and essays and short books over long books, and I'm prone to copy down précis and favourite passages and quotes from great books and then give the books themselves away. When I find great ideas or expressions of emotion or word pictures that contain only the number of words they absolutely need and no more, I cherish them. So I got to wondering: What is the greatest single paragraph ever written?