Friday, April 18, 2008

5 for Friday

1 - 10 ways to become a writer (that gets paid)

2 -I have seen most tumbler blogs as an alternate collection of multiple writings in one place. I found via my explorations a good design blog at DesignAday.

3 - More developments in the news this week around the chemical compound in Nalgene although the news articles this week did not mention Nalgene by name. Wikipedia is keeping up with it. I wrote about Nalgene here.

4 - Danah Boyd has a posting linking to a very interesting study on cell phone use amongst teenage girls in Palestine. Well worth reading how technology in this case is providing an out for some girls from their societies restrictions and yet is also entangling them.

5 - and for fun on a Friday, lets visit Bernie DeKoven who provides some insight into the folks at ImprovEverywhere as they pull off another event, this time "The Best game ever"



  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    thanks for the link!

  2. Andrea, you are most welcome!

    Apologies for the delay in responding, I have been on the road a bit and it has been hectic. I am just beginning to catch up now.
