Whether it is a person or a place, falling in love is a mysterious process, as is falling out of love. The latter certainly involves noticing the negatives - maybe for the first time or at least not ignoring them anymore. Perhaps New York is a young person’s town, the place to be when you’re on the make, building a career, gulping down life experiences, too busy to care that there is no time or place or even desire yet for some calm, some quietude and a dinner out minus shouted cell phone conversations from the next table.From Brendan Connolly at The Slacker Manager
From Rocky Noe at Rattle the Cage Blog!Managers of the world, I beseech you: do not overlook the healing power of donuts. Do your people suspect that you might be a Sith Lord? Sway their opinions with the healing power of donuts. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but I'm convinced that the other road is covered with donuts.
I believe in the healing power of donuts.
The shocking truth is for all our good intentions we were failing due to a lack of effective communication. The youth did not understand a thing we were saying and we could not figure out why. Effective communication can only take place when all parties involved understand and comprehend the meaning of what is being communicated. We did not have that. We had well intentioned adults talking to youth that were smiling and nodding in agreement, but understanding nothing. A common theme that continued to come up in discussions is what makes people powerful. I surveyed youth, parents and professional staff. The outcome was very interesting. Now I would like to poll a wider group of professionals. If you will take a moment and list 10 ways to be powerful. I would like to compare the answers with the other surveys I have conducted.From Steve Pavlina at Personal Development Blog
Enjoy!I believe that what holds us back more than anything else is our social conditioning. We’re born into societies that install many values in us, values that most people never take the time to consciously challenge.
The solution is to raise our awareness and begin acting more consciously. This requires self-reflection, using our own consciousness to examine what we currently hold in our own minds. We must force our subconscious beliefs and assumptions to the surface, challenge them, and consciously decide if we wish to keep them or replace them.
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