Saturday, December 25, 2004

Frosty Beard Morning

Glorious sunrise this morning.

Stepped out of the house to a scent of skunk. I guess he was looking for his presents during the night.

The quiet is noticeable. A few crows in the distance. Hey, I don't hear the highway. And that is a good thing! We are about a half mile from Interstate 495 and usually there is a muffled din of traffic all the time. Not this morning though. Thankfully, commerce has taken a break.

Out for a long run this morning. Planned to go 6 miles. Did. Felt good.

It was cold starting (18 F for the record) but I did not notice until I finished that I had a full frosty beard. Not just around my mouth but all up the sides too! Not that there was any one around to notice. The frost might have improved my salt/pepper colored beard.

Running took a brief diversion at the gas station on the corner. One of the numbers from the price board had fallen off and was in the road along the gutter. I stopped to pick it up and bring it in to the store. My good deed for the day. The clerk was surprised, and happy!

One other runner came out of one of the side streets along the route. He seemed to be moving quickly. Indeed he was. He came up and passed me in no time at all. I commented that he was going too fast for me this morning and wished him well. We exchanged greetings. He moved on and quickly went out of sight.

I like this route. It is out and back with rolling terrain. About a mile out, the roll goes down for a bit. Good for a nice pick up the pace jaunt. It rises gradually, flattens, then rolls down again for another half mile or so, rising again, then flattening before the turn around. And we do it all over again.

The sun is on my right returning. Stretching long fingers of light above the tree line across the road. Most of my side is in the shade. The sewer covers' breath rises in the flicker of light here and there.

There is much to be thankful for today, as with any other day.
  • For my wife and daughters.
  • For my father, brothers and sisters, and their families.
  • For my in-laws, brothers and sister-in-laws, and the extended family.
  • For friends, for runners, for bloggers.
  • For life and living.

Enjoy the day!

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