The Basic Blogging series contains most of the links and information that I cover in my beginning blogging sessions at various PodCamps.
The most recent sessions (PodCamp Boston and PodCamp CT) didn't get into the presentation of these links as we started with the participants questions and worked the conversation to answer those questions. Neither session was recorded (oops, not much of a media maker there I guess). The conversations around the questions were more free flowing and varied than the logical step by step review here.
If these posts leave out info that you are looking for, or don't answer exactly the question you have, feel free to comment or send me and email and I'll do my best to get you an answer.
Updated: 3/30/13
The Blogging 101 session at Podcamp WesternMass was recorded and will be available soon. As I speed through some of these links, the info overall is still pertinent but some of the tools are no longer valid. Google Reader for example, was long a key piece in my toolkit but has been announced as being discontinued. I am currently using Feedly in its place.