1 - some personal financial advice:
If I could only share one piece of personal finance advice to grads or to just about anyone, it would be this:
Only borrow money to pay for things that increase in value.
It's a short list: your business, your house and your education, mostly. Stocks if you're smarter than me. That's pretty much it.
From Seth Godin, read the full posting here.
2 - a new word, busker:
My favorite busker this year was a very young woman - maybe 12. Long blond hair in a pony-tail. An unspectacular costume - black pants and beige sweater. She unfolded a small silver performance pad, placed a huge pink ball in the middle, and dropped a hula hoop over that. Then she took a fiddle out of its case, and tuned it.
And then - quicker than I can describe - she somehow was balanced atop the ball - rolling it forward and back - while keeping the hula hoop going - moving it up and down her body - while playing a lively tune on her fiddle and singing. Amazing!
From Robert Fulgham, read the full posting here
3 - some advice on strong passwords
Google engineer HongHai Shen wrote a blog post about password security on Wednesday, acknowledging that fanatical devotion to strong passwords -- generating a random eight character string every two or three months -- probably isn't necessary for everyone. But he still believes passwords should be chosen with care. "Whether it's for your Google account, your banking center, or your favorite store, choosing a good password and keeping it safe can go a long way toward protecting your information online," he wrote in his blog post.
From InformationWeek Daily, read the full article here.
4 - A good idea to help exercise
Well, not exactly what you might think. Elderexercise, is an idea that Claude of Blogging in Paris and I are trying out with a small group. Some of us need a little more than good intentions to exercise on a regular basis.
It's simple enough. On a closed blog, each participant identifies goals--lose five pounds within the next couple of months or use a pedometer to keep track of walking.
From A Little Red Hen, read her full posting here
5 - an idea to recycle a stadium?
The Guardian reports on an emerging scheme to make London's stadium for the 2012 Olympic games a portable affair. Post-Olympics, they would deconstruct it, and send it to the next Olympic city host (perhaps Chicago). Reduce, reuse, recycle, indeed.Read the full article from the Artful Manager here
Enjoy your Friday!