"The proposed FY08 Budget is the fourth budget in a row that is 'balanced' by the use of reserves."Balanced? Using reserves to balance a budget for four years in a row! Franklin, this problem has not just happened upon us. It has been coming for some time.
"It all also calls for $3 million override to fund a 'level service' municipal budget and a reduction in the schools level of service."A polite way of saying the education provided to this year's graduating seniors at the high school (for example) will NOT be provided to next year's senior class. Of course, you can substitute each and every grade in that same statement. Life in school next year will be less than this year. Less teachers, less education...
"Further, it requests the use of $1 million from the stabilization account. This should be the last year we use the account to balance the budget."So we are playing a dangerous game here Franklin. 4 years in a row borrowing from our stabilization fund to balance the budget and this year going for an override as well.
In light of these quotes from only the first page of the Budget Letter (PDF), I also pose some questions for you the Franklin resident:
- Why is the tax rate dropping over the past 5 years?
- Why has the Commonwealth subsidized the school budget up to 50% for FY 08?
- What does the future look like for this subsidy (Chapter 70 funds)?