Only someone with license to speak truth to power can make her mindful of what is being lost. Just as only the free expression of ideas today, including such noxious ideas as may be embodied in those Muhammad Cartoons (if indeed those ideas are noxious – who knows unless the cartoons are published for our review?), can lift the veil on our reality.
Here Olivia responds to Militant Islam's murderous worldwide rampage against free expression; that is, to Malvolio's rant against Feste:
Olivia: "O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and
taste with a distempered appetite. To be generous,
guiltless, and of free disposition is to take those things
for bird-bolts that you deem cannon bullets. There is
no slander in an allowed fool, though he do nothing
but rail, nor no railing in a known discreet man, though
he do nothing but reprove."
Yes, like Malvolio, radical Islam is indeed sick of self-love, and tastes with a distempered appetite, taking for cannon bullets a set of cartoons (for heaven's sake) that more soberly would be regarded as bird-bolts (and there's a timely reference, considering our US Vice President's recent contretemps with birdshot).
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Shakespeare on the cartoon controversy
Monday, February 27, 2006
Home again
Only 3
For Dolores
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Oh the morning sun in all its glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort too
And you fill my life with laughter
You can make it better
Ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the One
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
And it shines like the sun
At the end of the day we will give thanks
And pray to the One
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Take away my sadness
Fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles that's what you do
Fill my life with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles that's what you do.
Initial shock
Regular readers here will recognize that Robert Bly is one of my favorite poets. Last year a meme was going around the blogosphere about creating your board of directors. I never got to it, but have not forgotten and will be putting this together sometime soon. Robert will be on the board.
Then when looking for one of his poems to quote from yesterday, I find an article trashing his work. More research to be done here, of course, but imagine my initial shock.
"What is this?"
"Who is this person?"
"How could they do this?"
"What are they thinking?"
"They are attacking one of my heroes!"
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Songs on the Road
Late one night when the wind was still
Daddy brought the baby to the window still
To see a bit of heaven shoot across the sky
The one and only time daddy saw it fly
It came from the east just as bright as a torch
The neighbors had a party on their porch
Daddy rocked the baby mother said amen
When Halley came to visit in 1910
Now back then Jackson was a real small town
And it’s not every night a comet comes around
It was almost eighty years since its last time through
So I bet your mother would have said amen too
As its tailed stretched out like a stardust streak
The papers wrote about it every day for a week
You wondered where it’s going and where it’s been
When Halley came to Jackson in 1910
Now daddy told the baby sleeping in his arms
To dream a little dream of a comet’s charms
And he made a little wish as she slept so sound
In 1986 that wish came ‘round
It came from the east just as bright as a torch
She saw it in the sky from her daddy’s porch
As heavenly sent as it was back then
When Halley came to Jackson in 1910
And late one night when the wind was still
I want a comfortable bed that won't hurt my back
Food to fill me up
And warm clothes and all that stuff
Shouldn't I have this
Shouldn't I have this
Shouldn't I have all of this, and
Passionate kisses
Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh
Passionate kisses from you
Is it too much to demand
I want a full house and a rock and roll band
Pens that won't run out of ink
And cool quiet and time to think
Shouldn't I have this
Shouldn't I have this
Shouldn't I have all of this, and
Passionate kisses
Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh
Passionate kisses from you
Do I want too much
Am I going overboard to want that touch
I shout it out to the night
"Give me what I deserve, 'cause it's my right"
Shouldn't I have this (shouldn't I)
Shouldn't I have this (shouldn't I)
Shouldn't I have all of this, and
Passionate kisses
Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh
Passionate kisses from you
Passionate kisses
Passionate kisses, whoa oh oh
Passionate kisses from you
A-Listers, Technorati Ranks, Successful Blogs, et al
Evelyn's ranking dropped presumably because she was on her two month adventure to the tsunami area.
Jory starts a BlogHer discussion on A-listers which during the discussion vers into carnivals...
And Rocky attempts to qualify as a successful blogger.
And this is just from catching up going through my own Bloglines listings. So what do I have to say about this? Something I said before:
Forget about the masses. They are lost for now; you can do nothing for them. It is not kind, it is not Christian but that is what it is. You put on your own oxygen mask first before you can help another. That is the reality. Focus on the voice and those who heed it.
Be aware of the partially engaged, toss them a word, or stray bone, or two. Someday they may come around, someday something will awaken in them and they will respond but until then, nothing more.
The voice, you the blogger or blogher, should focus your writing on the fully engaged part. Feed them as much as they can feed you in turn. There is a mutual dependence.
Know yourself. Go to the well, understand that which is you, the real you. There is no other like you.
Prepare your voice. Practice, practice, practice!
Listen to your audience, pay attention to what they tell you. They sell no mirage. They have come to you for food and sustenance. Feed them.
Feed them and you will find sustenance for yourself.
This is the circle of life, the blogger/blogher life.Read the whole fire-circle story.
Technorati Tags : a-listers, blog, blogging, technorati, successful
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Street Fighting Men & Women
People thought the enemy was government. The aristocracy of great wealth anonymously wielding power as shareholders in huge corporations was camouflaged. The myth of "the people versus the government" was encouraged, even as the corporations took control. Today the camouflage is gone, the concealment stripped away. Big business owns big government. In order to nail down the coffin lid and bury the last vestiges of popular government, the plutocrats have emerged.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Love Affair with Books
20, yes twenty, titles have been reviewed so you will find some you perhaps have already read and ones you will want to put on your "to Read" listing.
Yours truly has contributed to this listing and is honored to be in such good company.
Be sure to check out the full post.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
At the suggestion of Cheryl Oakes, an innovative Maine educator I have never met face to face but corresponded with a few times via web 2.0 technologies, I have created my first Bubbleshare photostory this evening. Bubbleshare is a free website that lets anyone upload photos, similar to Flickr, but also record accompanying voice narration.Wesley goes on to talk about the advantages of the voice over accompanying the photos and the pluses/minuses of some of the tools available to do this.
Read the full posting here.
This goes on my list of things to check out!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The One Thing You Need to Know - Marcus Buckingham
Knowing my strengths, I tried to position myself where they would be most useful. This worked out pretty well. The only hard part was in the bi-annual review where there was a section for development opportunities, I cringed. If the Buckingham line of thought were truly followed, this section would not be something to worry about. He always wanted you to focus on your strengths and in so doing make your weaknesses insignificant.
Marcus's own career took some interesting turns. One book lead to the second. The second lead to more companies demanding of his time. The projects for the companies took Marcus away from his own strength and he ultimately had that aha moment! He left Gallup and ventured on his own eventually working into the third book, The One Thing You Need to Know. A natural progression, but obvious only with the 20-20 vision of hindsight.
The book is a series of stories building the logic towards the condensation of all of Marcus's work into what is the real "one thing you need to know". One of the first stories is oddly not about the workplace but about what it takes to have a happy marriage. Of course, you will read the book for yourself, so I won't spoil the impact for you but will reveal the conclusion of the happy marriage to be with
"Find the most generous explanation for each other's behavior and believe it."When a couple succeeds in doing this, they will succeed with a long and happy marriage. I tested this conclusion with my running group one night. There were five of us (three male, two female, a total of 60 years of marriage to the same partner) and we all agree that it made sense.
Marcus spends time on leaders and managers.
"Great leaders rally people to a better future."There are significant differences between leaders and managers and Marcus spends a good deal of time reviewing this with good stories along the way.
"Great managers discover what is unique about each person and capitalize on it."
Whether you are a leader or a manager, you still are an individual person and need to find your own path to success. It is this thread that finally leads Marcus to the one thing:
"Discover what you don't like doing and stop doing it."
Wait, this is phrased as a negative. Why? Simply it goes back to the strengths and weaknesses argument. Focus on the strengths and keep doing those. But this oddly isn't enough. You will also need to find out your weaknesses (what you don't like doing) and figure out a way to avoid doing it. Of course, the devil is in the details. It will in many cases be harder to do than it seems. But when you think about it, it does make sense. It may not be easy for some folks to accomplish as they may have found themselves in a position where had they listened earlier, they may not be so far off track now.
I hope this helps encourage you to read The One Thing You Need to Know.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this book.
marcus buckingham
Monday, February 20, 2006
Chris Bailey's new site look
Updated: Chris did make some changes to the site to correct the commenting error.
Otherwise, this is what I wanted to say:
Having just changed template myself, I can begin to appreciate what you have taken on. I am not sure my limited geekiness will allow exploration of Drupal but this layout looks good, so kudos to you. I hope it makes the work behind it easier for you. Good luck with it!
Check out Chris's new site!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
New template today
Yes, it was about time. I needed I new look.
Work is busy or quiet, on or off, in or out, up or down, debit or credit.
Hey, all technology is even ones or zeros.
You get the idea.
So the new template is color themed blue/white.
Blue for the sky, the ocean, for the eternal optimism I wake with each day.
But rest assured, I will continue to think, live, write in between, amongst, around, above, below, the line, etc. No more dodging the issues. Let's take them on!
With your help via comments, emails, and overall cooperative collaborative inspiration of course!
So that said: what do you think? Is this a keeper?
Let me know.
PS - with a little luck both Passion for the Good Customer Experience and Passionate Runner will get new looks this weekend also.
PSS - and many thanks to Thur Broeders for the template!
Juggling life
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye
Golden slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye
Friday, February 17, 2006
Kudos to Ronni
Ronni's story is not just of her mother's death, but of others who shared in that experience. At the end of those subplots, Ronni is the only survivor. Yet the deaths she survived point away from death, toward places that can still accept her gifts.Her blog, and her skill in writing it, are gifts. The bright light she shines on aging, and on her generation — the one they call "silent" are gifts beyond measure by rankings or linkings or any of the other numeralities by which we are becoming perhaps a little too accustomed to judging each other, and judgint the constructive goods we bring to the shared world we're building here together.
Flawed as it may be, this is a human place. It's made of people, their ideas, their stories.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Fan of 24
Why not?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Word Verification - Irritation
Enter the letters as they are shown in the image.
Check out the other links
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Mailbox almost buried
Mailbox almost buried
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
The snow was still coming but I had broken through to the road and nearly buried the mailbox in finding a place to put the snow just before quiting time today.
Now it is time to really quit for the day. My arms are tired. My eyes are struggling to remain open. I hear my pillow calling my name.
Catch you all later!
Wind & snow sculpting
Wind & Snow sculpting
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
The wind has sculpted the snow around the car. Taken with a flash just as the sun was setting today and I was finishing my shoveling duties.
What does love have to do with it?
Sure Valentine's Day comes once a year but if love truly makes the world go round, then why wait? Greg Greenway sings:
Every little day the world's brand new,So this day before Valentine's Day,
the sun comes up and the clouds roll through.
Everything else is just up to you.
Every little day the world's brand new.
and the day after,
and the day after that,
indeed "every little day" share your love.
Share your aloha!
Hitch your wagon up. Paint your wagon the color of love:
Where am I goin'?Yes, the way truly won't much matter because
I don't know
Where am I headin'?
I ain't certain
All I know
Is I am on my way
Kabir says this: When the guest is being searched for, it is the intensity of the longing for the guest that does all the work.What do you think love has to do with it?
Look at me, and you will see a slave of that intensity.
Could be cheating but effective
Cheating but
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
Yes, it drifts closer to the house as the wind sculpts the snow. This is looking out the garage door down the driveway. The indents formed by the door as the snow builds up against it are visible.
This is the same yardstick as before. Now, it can stand on its own. 16 inches deep here. It is more like 10-12 on the open ground.
The radio got interrupted by one of those Emergency Broadcast signals to actually broadcast an alert from NOAA. Haven't heard one of those really occur. I usually just catch the signal test at some odd hour.
We'll just stay warm for now and continue blizzard blogging.
Almost 7
Almost 7
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
Yes, this is what almost 7 inches looks like against the ruler.
I managed to use one of those wooden yardsticks with two joints bent the right one into the snow, the other two are extended to prop against the doorway to allow a hands free photo shot.
Stick around for more blizzard blogging. I get the feeling that not much will be happening out and about Franklin today. We'll stay warm and cozy in our house except for snow shoveling and picture taking.
I hope your Sunday is equally fun filled (if not as white).
2/12/06 9:00AM
2/12/06 9:00AM
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
Yes, Sunday morning has dawned although the sun is not showing today. We have lots of this soft, white stuff coming down.
How much do we have so far?
Stuck a ruler in to get a measure. If you want to see what almost 7 inches looks like. Stay tuned.
According to the forecast, this is only about half of what we'll get today.
2/11/06 9:00AM
2/11/06 9:00AM
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
What a difference a day makes!
This was Saturday morning. Cold, in the 20's, but sunny skies, little breeze. A good day for doing the weekend chores; get the cars inspected (annual inspection required in February), do the grocery shopping, change the clothes at the cleaners (pick up the clean shirts, drop off this week's), file the FAFSA for both daughters, finish both Federal and State taxes (we'll mail them later).
Oh, and prepare for the blizzard coming up the coast.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Quotes & Links
Tonight hearing her voice made tears spring up unexpectedly with relief. We’re different, and we fight sometimes, but today reminded me that this is not what matters. What matters is each moment living. Each moment that we’re talking and painting and working things out. Each moment breathing is good. Each moment laughing—better.
Read Christina's full posting here.
From Robert Brady at comes this posting:
Standing out there alone in the darkness I was primally startled; but as quickly I realized, scientifically, what I had just seen. So I went back to my primal reaction and dug in, tried to think in the way our ancestors 50,000 years ago would have thought about such things as fire streaking from a cold dark sky, to imagine from out of that same darkness the answers they wove into their world as gods, and the sources of those gods... the myths came forth more easily than I'd expected they would, we are in fact so close to that source in ourselves... those gods and their source are in us all still... we carry them not far beneath the surface, just below the cultures, religions and manners that stem from them; they are far more ours, and more genuine to us, than the latter components of our general veneer.
Read the remainder of Robert's post here.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I am an artist!
I’ve booked three art showings in cafes this week, and I’m unbelievably excited. (One thing I have done as a result of the Artist’s Way has been to acknowledge and set the ball in motion on some of the things that I’ve had on my dream list for way too long. Cafe art showings has been one of those things.) For the first time since I was a kid, I’m finally allowing myself to say it regularly. I am an artist.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Blogger Search Disappoints
Yes, that part is my problem.
Hey, this is supposed to be improved search functionality.
I want the old blogger search back, please!
Fighting authority
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
Monday, February 06, 2006
Super Bowl ads
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Half time show question
Got to see them in concert at Gillette Stadium once.
Almost wore out my copy of Hot Rocks.
But this half time show seems a wasted opportunity.
The Super Bowl is in Detroit, otherwise known as Motown.
February is Black History Month.
The NFL brings in the Stones to play in Motown.
Did somebody miss an opportunity?
Super Bowl
black history month
Super Bowl Grazing
some left over Bloomin' Onion from Chili's
some shrimp cocktail
some good chicken wings
a couple of brews
I'm grazing carefully so as not to return to the keyboard with sticky fingers.
The commercials have been inane.
No winners, all losers thus far from this vantage point.
Super Bowl
Every Little Day
Every Little Day
from Something Worth Doing
I had a day in the life, it was a crossroads.
I saw somebody come, I saw somebody go,
same expressions on their faces,
different ends of the road.
You see, somebody lost the struggle,
that's how it was said,
someone was born with a long journey up ahead.
No one had a map, no instructions to be read.
That's all I need to know, it's just so.
I said to myself,
Every little day the world's brand new,
the sun comes up and the clouds roll through.
Everything else is just up to you.
Every little day the world's brand new.
I felt terrible, I felt lucky at the way things are,
like a glad accident, like a bright shooting star,
like a brave little ripple in an ocean so large.
It's all I need to know, it's just so.
I say to myself...
I hear myself saying the words without thinking,
Every little day...
In the face of the big questions, nobody knows why,
some people smile a knowing smile,
some turn away and hide.
So much has to happen between hello and goodbye.
It's all I need to know, it's just so.
© 2001, Sheen of Heat Music, BMI
music and lyrics by Greg Greenway
Every little day the world's brand new,
the sun comes up and the clouds roll through.
Everything else is just up to you.
Every little day the world's brand new.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Cain and Able (Abel)
Go, read it!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Altar boy memories
To get back to the cocoa: appropriate to the hellish metaphor involved, the cocoa was brewed down in the basement of St. James by a volunteer horde of big sadistic Catholic grandmothers dressed in white, inventors of a new and cryptic form of suffering, who stood cackling around giant steaming cauldrons whence they served to us slavering communicant kids - who therefore hadn't eaten anything since dinner the day before and now had to eat breakfast in about 5 minutes before class (is there anything hungrier than a kid after communion who's had fresh crumb buns in his school bag for over an hour?) - big heavy white mugs of cocoa that had been boiled until hot enough to scald God. There were many blessed blistered palates those mornings, borne in saintly silence throughout the day, and it wasn’t from taking communion with a sinful soul...
FastCompany's 2006 Outlook on Careers
SlideShow: 25 Great Careers for the Years Ahead | by
The best jobs to pursue today? Fast Company again draws on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to compile a list of 25 great careers for the years ahead.
Any one of these look interesting to you?