Monday, September 19, 2005

Blogversary - Part 2

Yes, now that I am a one year old blogger I look forward to the day when I can truly spend the day just blogging, I won't have to worry about:

1 - going to the bathroom (diapers got me covered)
2 - some nice woman will cuddle me in their lap (yes, Dolores, that means you!)
3 - making some funny noises with whatever part of my body is handy (Oh, look how cute!)

Will I have learned to read by then? Probably not.

Could I type? No, probably won't even be able to talk!

Oww! Then this will all fall apart.

The more I think about it, I don't want to be one year old!

Diapers won't be an advantage to keep going. Someone still needs to change them!

Hey, you what are you doing! I need changing!
No wonder kids are noisy at that age. All they can do is attract attention.

Breast feeding won't sustain the craving the body needs for energy food.
More noise... more attracting attention...
Gee, what does it take to get noticed? I post more than once a day.
I have commented on most the A list blogs. Should I take a picture for HNT?
Should I jump in the mud with the rest, slinging sex with the best of them?

No, there is no need for noise or nonsense, there is enough in the world today.
What we do need is common sense and mindfullness.

I am usually not shy about commenting on something but I have learned to consider my thoughts before speaking.

Kirk Weisler writes: Our example to our children, to our families, and to the world around us is constant. The question is not whether or not anyone is watching, the question is what are they learning as they watch.

This was made very clear to me early on with my first daughter. Allison and I were at the kitchen table for milk and cookies; Oreos, of course. I like to eat them whole. Yes, my mouth is big enough to do so. But when she tried to pop a whole one into her little mouth, I decided to introduce her to the art of playing with the Oreo.

Jane Genova writes: If we define the human touch as that primitive need by humans for a connection through the context of a story (Daddy, tell me a story), then we can't help but conclude that blogging has a lot of runway as the medium for our times.

Sins of omission on this front are quickly obvious. The blogger who spews opinions or facts without the wraparound narrative. Or the blogger who spews narrative about her life without providing information we can use.

So I'll start with my 2 cents. If I can't add value to the conversation, I'll hold my tongue.

Sidebar story: I got an email from a NY Times reporter on Friday night. She had seen a comment of mine on another blog. She wanted my thoughts about an article she was working on a deadline for and if I had sometime this weekend she would appreciate it. We did connect and have a good conversation. Later I went back to find the comment and posting that triggered the conversation and when I did, I realized that she had wrongly attributed the comment she quoted to me. In the spirit of full disclosure, I sent her an email to let her know. The error did not change our conversation on Saturday, just that otherwise, it might not have happened at all.

Kirsten Johnson writes: what i am noticing about this process most recently is that sometimes as we are working our way through the questions, new ideas only come once the old ones have been completely worked through. it's as if there is only so much space in our brain in which thoughts and ideas can take seed. as we let go of the old ideas, which life has proved to be unworkable, new questions and ideas can move into the available space we've just created.

Just think, of all the posts I have written in the past year, of all the comments I have made on the various blogs I have found (and been so inspired to do so), they were like the bread crumbs Hansel and Gretel left in the forest; quickly eaten up leaving no trace behind. But they are ideas, and not bread crumbs. So the ideas have left me. They are now out on their own in this wild wonderful and wacky world. Which means new ideas can come to take their place!

Halleluia! Being a one year old may indeed be fun!
Oh, what shall I think of next? What will I do next?

You'll have to pay attention. But you can use the new service to receive an email when I post. Check out the link on the sidebar for more information.

You can ante up a comment or an email and we'll take it from there.

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