Monday, February 14, 2005

How do YOU measure success?

AJ Hoge writes about Wat and how he is developing his jewelry business. From Phukat to Bangkok and now heading to Japan.

"He will probably start, yet again, with a blanket and a sidewalk. His brother and friends will keep the Bangkok operation going. Wat has done all this without business training. He doesn't call it a "business".. he calls it "my art". He doesn't have "employees"... he has friends & collaborating artists. He doesn't "network"... he just has tons of friends. He has no "marketing strategy", he is just an extremely likable guy who has mastered his craft. "

Jeff Jarvis posts on the Gates in Central Park that he does not get it.

"Call me a cynic. Call me a philistine. You've called me worse.
But I don't get The Gates.
Shower curtains on parade? Florida citrus product placement? Hare Krishna craziness?"

He wonders why they did not do this in June. I thought I read that they deliberately chose the bleak days of February to add some color to Central Park.

He dismisses that this display is "just art".

By Jeff's measure, the gates are a failure.

"Wat will never be a millionaire. But he is living life on his own terms and doing quite well. He's an inspiring example of a freelancing hobopoet whose "work" and "art" are one in the same thing."

By hobopoet measures, Wat is a success.

How do you measure success?

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