Monday, February 21, 2005

Holiday Musings

It's Monday, no work today.
The stock market is closed for the holiday, President's Day.
The artificial creation of American society.
Insteading of truly celebrating Washington or Lincoln,
we pick the third Monday in February
to ensure some regularity to our breaks.
The auto dealers are going crazy with sales.

We need to remember.
To pass the knowledge on.
The real reason why.
Parents, especially to their kids.
Otherwise, they would not know why.

Snowing again here in New England.
The ground was just beginning to show itself
after the Blizzard had buried it
but it's getting covered over again.

Fresh, fluffy white stuff.
Cleansing the world.
Creating an illusion of clean, of purity.
But it's just cold
and eventually wet.

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