Saturday, July 12, 2014

Deja Brew: 'Band of Brewers' return for 6 kettles

Friday night, summer time, and a good time to make some beer. The 'Band of Brewers' gathered at Deja Brew for a set of six kettles. A good mix of some favorites and some new ones.

Blueberry Ale = A delicious ale. It smells good, tastes good and finishes clean
Death Star II: Return of the Citra = A new IPA, so new it isn't listed on the DejaBrew webpage
Lobster Claw = A highly aromatic barley wine. Very Potent.
Nessie Scotch Ale = So new, it isn't listed on the DejaBrew webpage
Sammy's Summer = Modeled after a popular summer ale from Boston
Stunner = A creamy British Pub style pale ale “stunning colour”

We'll be back in three weeks to bottle and bring home to enjoy!

part of the ingredients for Sammy's Summer
part of the ingredients for Sammy's Summer

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