I often say that I run for my physical health, write for my mental health and work to enable all of this we call life.
Words come from thoughts, images in the mind or around us that we use to help or at least try to explain and share what we are thinking with another. I explore writing, shaping, crafting with words for two reasons. One (as noted above) to help me come to understand what is happening. And second, to share.
No man is an island. We are all in this together. We can come together around a particular topic, a shared interest. In sharing the interest, we learn from each other. One, that we are not alone. Two, that there are other ways to do and see things. One and one in this way usually makes more than two.
Are you still with me? Or have I lost you?
If you are with me, you may want to jump over to quiet poet where I have a new collection in the works. Thoughts, images, realizations as I visit with Dad. In sherku form, they try to capture the moment. Some do so better than others. Even those that do well, on second thought still seem lacking. Still seem to leave out so much. Is the devil in the detail?
The collection is here
I hope you get something from them.