Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Inside #the5 Wednesday - doing

Good morning!

In my volunteer work for the Franklin Food Pantry as a member of the Board of Directors, I am putting together a social media campaign. There is a whole lot of good work being done by the Pantry to be shared. We need to increase the awareness of the work and to create a more sustainable revenue stream to enable the work to continue. I am finding all kinds of tips and resources on what to do particularly from what other non-profits are doing.
"Nonprofits and Social Media: It Ain't Optional" - 10 Highly Successful Social Media Habits for Nonprofits 

Just yesterday, I came across three valuable posts. One an update from Beth Kanter on what she has been doing with her book. The second (shown just above) and a third that listed 21 ways. I related these finds to what you can also see in the job search world, so much info it can be overwhelming!
Job Search Jam Sessions: Just pick one and start! 

Coming out of the election, I am glad it is over. It was tiring to hear the negativeness, period. How we can change our approach to have a real civil discourse will be a challenge!
Ava J. Abramowitz on Essentials of Negotiation (Trust Quotes #16) "'Other' implies they are just not us" 

The words we chose become critical. The actions we take become more so.
"we all share the common bond" Encouragement vs. Support  

So to take my own advice around the theme of doing not saying, I'll wrap this up and get ready to do good stuff today!
"You get noticed for what you do, not what you think" Being Smart is Useless  @ with great advice! 

What are you going to do today?

Do you have something to share?