Sunday, September 19, 2010

Deja Brew - 6 kettle batch

The 'band of brewers' was out Friday night to DejaBrew for our next 6 kettle batch. A great variety this time. In kettles next to each other one recipe called for 2 pounds of grain, the other called for 8. Both beers will be good!

My daughters treated me to a tour of the Sam Adams Brewery in Jamaica Plains, The brewing they do there is for product development and testing but it is still a working brewery. Their kettles are also stainless steel and the traditional copper clad. They are much larger than the ones at DejaBrew

The brewing process is the basically same, the differences being primarily the size of the equipment they use vs. DejaBrew.

If you have a chance to visit the Sam Adams Brewery for a tour, please do so. It is worth it.

Oh and you do get to sample some beer. We tasted the Boston Lager, Octoberfest and a new one they are testing. It was good.