Friday, May 14, 2010

facilitate the network and let the net work!

end of the week and time for 5 for Friday!

"1 of the most important things we can do ... is to SHARE OUR IDEAS" Quickblogging Options:Comparing tumblr & posterous

 hence, #the5 is all about sharing

"I think it’s a crucial distinction to make" Is it Really Learning? me: I'll second that! #the5

how do you measure learning? It is easy to measure what you know?

"If you can’t keep your heart in it, do something else" How I found my passion @scottberkun with advice #the5

do you work on what you are passionate about?

"Don’t waste your time trying to “get” people who don’t need or want" You Can’t Change What the Customer Wants #the5

This is a recurring theme for me. You can read or hear the "fire circle story" here

"If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know what I write about" 3 Email Marketing Examples Not to Copy #the5

Use the knowledge you have to make the connection. There are real opportunities to avoid making a 'cold call' and make it a warm call instead. It does take time. There is no silver bullet.

"all the passion in the world doesn’t change how people make their purchasing decisions" @chrisbrogan #the5

Back again to passion and decisions. You have a choice to make today. What are you going to do?

I am heading off to the Job Search Jam Sessions to help facilitate the network and let the net work!