Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Qumana Blogger Update - Updated

Kind of a funky way to do business but here is a comment back from Jon at Qumana:

Stephen .. just a note to let you know that ensuring Qumana works with the Blogger Beta is in our priortized list of development requirements for the Qumana editor, and it's nearing the top of the list. Please don't give up on us yet ;-)

Thanks Jon!

How about updating the FAQ page at Qumana

How about updating the compatibilities listing?

I am probably not the only Blogger blogging with Qumana. Save some time, keep us all informed with info on your page.

PS - If by chance I missed it on your FAQ, blog, or compatibilities listing, I guess it wasn't that obvious to stick out. To paraphrase: There's No Excuse I Can Think Of to NOT provide good service.

Updated 9:00 PM (Eastern)

Jon made two comments to this posting today. As a result of the second, I just emailed Jon a Word doc with screen shots of the errors when I attempted to post using both v2 and v3 of Qumana. I also tried removing the blog from within Qumana and readding it and sent those screen shots. All tests were conducted on the same system this evening. The only other items that maybe worthy of note is that both my Blogger account and Google account user names are the same (but the passwords are different).