Wednesday, August 30, 2006

100Bloggers Carnival - Voting Discrepancy?

Gee when one looks at the votes over at Phil's (8) and Larry's (7), there is not much going on. Then one looks to Pet and finds 154 votes cast for the silliest entry! (At least as of 8:30 PM Eastern time 8/30/06.)
What is going on guys and girls?
Is that some ballot box stuffing going on in Pet's Garden?
Or are Phil's and Larry's categories that boring this summer?
The Hitchhiker Team took a look at each of the entries so if you would like some additional information on them, check out here, here and here. Or just go to the top and cruise on down the last three days.
Read and vote!
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  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Steve, I hadn't noticed that yet. I say we launch an investigative lynch mob to determine just what is going on.

  2. Larry, it does seem like some political shenanigans are underway. I wonder if they will be some hanging chads discovered, or if we'll need to go to the blogosphere court to ask for an injunction to take some time to figure this out.
