Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Early Morning - Election day

The commuter train platform is almost empty this morning at 6:10 waiting for the 6:22. Is it a holiday? No, just election day; we still have to go to work. Maybe these folks are off to vote early! This could be as there is a last minute rush and most of the normal crowd appears as the train makes its approach.

One woman did arrive, short of breath, coffee in hand, relieved. She had made it to the polling place (our high school) to vote when the polls opened at 6:00 AM and the lines were already from the door to the parking lot, with little room left to park.

The ballot counting machine is sensitive. We use markers and if there is a mark on the ballot outside the “authorized” area, the ballot is rejected. That station worker told her she would need to re-do her ballot. She went back up the line to get another ballot and that station worker was not prepared for this circumstance.

Communication and coordination of process and procedures is so so so important. All need to be on the same page at the same time. Whether you are delivering a product for money or providing a civic duty like voting.

After this minor hassle, minor delay, she got another ballot, filled it out, no extra marks this time, and it passed.

There will be a good turn out today in Franklin, MA. Go vote!

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