
Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Deja Brew - 6 kettles after a long absence

The 'Band of Brewers' went to Deja Brew on Monday. And yes, if you were keeping track, it was the longest time between brewing night that this group has had. We were last there November 2013 to brew, Dec to bottle. It was good to get back and good to get 6 wonderful kettles.

Kick Ass Pale Ale Our Own Award winning recipe Developed By Chuckaroo!!
Der Racecar Red A nice light red ale. Our own recipe, easy to drink
Nessie Scotch Ale So new, it isn't listed on the DejaBrew webpage
Gnomey's Pilz Our own recipe by our own Gnome. A really excellent Pilsner
Oak Island Bitter Dave’s rendition of an easy drinking English Bitter. Very smooth
Blueberry Ale A delicious ale. It smells good, tastes good and finishes clean

5 of the six are new, only the Blueberry Ale is one we have done before.

Der Racecar Red with the start of the rolling boil
Der Racecar Red with the start of the rolling boil

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