
Friday, February 24, 2012


The preparation is behind us (mostly), now comes the time. The wake for Dad is this evening with the funeral on Saturday morning. Arrangements made and finalized with the collaboration and cooperation of my brothers and sisters. Many hands made light work.

The family will line up to greet all that come to pay their last respects. Hopefully, the names will come to us as we recognize the faces. There'll be plenty of conversations as we all catch up on this or that since we last met.

And we'll plan for the photo party. A get together with some of our aunts and uncles to help identify who is who is some of the photos we found in the archives.

The photos below were easy to identify!

Jerry with Allison back in the day


Jerry with Carolyn back in the day


Jerry with a bunch of the little ones at the time


Jerry with his grandchildren no longer "little ones"

Sherlock Christmas

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