
Friday, February 17, 2012

Hunger lives near you

Will you help your neighbor? Statistics show that 1 in 9 children in MA face hunger. Take these statistics from the state level down to Franklin and they show more than 3,000 residents may be struggling with food security.

The Food Pantry respects the privacy and confidentiality of those we service. We can tell you that these people are living among us. They are our neighbors. They don’t like to talk about this challenge to put food on the table but it is real.

The Food Pantry is conducting its 2nd Annual Phonathon on Saturday Feb 18 and again on Satursday, Feb 25. You can wait for us to call between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM or you can make a contribution on your own.

You can make a contribution securely online at


You can write a check to mail it to the Food Pantry at
Franklin Food Pantry
P.O. Box 116
Franklin, MA 02038-0116

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view the video. I am on the Board of Directors of the Franklin Food Pantry. This volunteer effort on my part is giving back to this community because it matters!

This was originally posted on Franklin Matters

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