
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

evolve into something else

Time for #the5 today

"I’ve got issue with stepping on the hands of those that have fed you for years"  
Do you bit the hand that feed you? Doesn't seem like a wise thing to do, yet some businesses seem to make it a practice.

"a fun exercise to plot my career path in much more detail than the greatest hits"  
Erik Proulx steps through how he got where he is today, an interesting read. What would yours look like?

"3 ways to become the optimist you have always wanted to be"  from  
Do you want to hang around with an optimist or a pessimist? You can become an optimist by following these steps from Ja-Nae.

Chicago - the Bean

"actually an amazing business-to-business marketing tool"  Yes, this is  
LinkedIn was all over the news with its recent IPO but realistically, it has been in the news and quite active for some time. It is the tool for business and for job seekers. Are you on LinkedIn?

"As marketers, we need to be where our customers are and that means Facebook"  via  
While LinkedIn seems to be for business, Facebook seems to be more for play - yet, there are aspects where business is developing. The size and opportunity is attractive but no real market studies have shown it to be effective yet. What has been your experience with Facebook?

What have you learned that you can share?

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