
Thursday, June 30, 2011

5 for Thursday - data and analysis

Time to catch up on posting. Time to get better at time management.

"to recognize that it is the most ordinary things that make you rich. Like water"   
Robert Fulghum writes so well. He hits the mark today in a way that reminds me of the mark that Tim Sanders is hitting with his current book: "We Are Rich"

"I choose based on that: is it an idea that needs a lot of reach?" From Inspiration to Process   
Chris Brogan takes us inside his thought process to show how he does it.

Relay for Life: Franklin, MA 6/10/11

"there’s no known way to look at a pile of data and understand cause" Cause and effect  how true!  
Christopher Penn, a master data person, shares a great insight. A reminder for me as at work we are doing some data analysis and working to get at the causes for the data because it is NOT evident just by looking at it.

"What is that digital life story going to look like for you?" great question 
All our data piles up, what happens when there is no more data creation? When our life comes to an end? Mark Shaeffer explores this and finds some interesting options.

"How do you get started with Google Plus? Let's break down the nuts and bolts"  
The buzz this week has been about Google Plus, maybe the next shiny object, maybe a flash in the pan. Time will tell. Haven't been invited yet so I can't say personally. This article is being marked as a good one to have handy for when the invite does come.

I guess the summary that brings these five together is they are all related to data and the analysis that needs to go with it.

What have you learned that you can share today?

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