
Monday, February 14, 2011

Grant red

Good morning, time for #the5

Are You Taking Your Job for Granted?  "Taking your job for granted is bad for your mental health" 
If you are lucky enough to be amongst the employed today, do not take your job for granted. Look around and see what you can do to improve the situation, reduce cost, add automation, something to increase your own value to the company. Take the opportunity now!

A Job Hunting Post for Valentine’s Day  "what do you think is easier to find these days: a date or a job?" 
I like the line of thought that Matt Youngquist takes on this posting today, especially since it is Valentine's Day.

Balance is not black and white  "In black or white worlds you are either in the right or in the wrong"  @
Leanne has a short thoughtful post on balance how it isn't black and white, but should be more in the grey area in between. If she had worked in red, would it be more read today?

Why Your Twitter Profile Matters  "open yourself up to more opportunities" 
Your Twitter profile is important. It is your landing page, your welcome porch. How well do you showcase yourself? I did summarize my following rules and many of them point back to the profile and what it will tell me about those who follow me. Depending upon what your profile is, I may or may not follow you back.

sherku: Valentine's Day - Three stones depict past/ Present, and future/ One ring; our life/ Our love, together//  
Finally, a #sherku for my love for Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day Dolores!

How will I summarize today? What balance amongst the posts will be the key takeaway? There are colors involved, and circles. Hopefully, one or more of these links will be followed to find out the additional details behind it. Don't take your life for granted it, work it, improve it, live it to the fullest!