
Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm on LinkedIn, now what?

That will be the subject of an interactive presentation I'll lead at the Hopkinton Networking Group meeting on Friday. I did the presentation before and will update some of the photos to keep the presentation fresh. The text will remain pretty much the same. The delivery and interaction will be up to those participating.

I want to make sure that your questions will be answered. I want to make sure that you'll be able to walk away with something specific to do.

1 - If you want to attend, the meeting details are as follows:  

When: Friday, July 23 from 10:00 AM - Noon
Where: St John's Evangelist Parish Center, 20 Church St, Hopkinton
Cost: $1 donation requested

2 - If you have a LinkedIn question you would like answered, please let me know.