
Friday, July 23, 2010

Ignite Spatial: Boston 2 Needs Your Help

Ignite Spatial: Boston 2 is moving fast, but needs your help.
Here are some ways you can help out:


Please submit a talk about your interesting spatial stories or get your friends to do so. To submit a talk proposal please visit:
Here is a list of the talks we have so far:
The Public Mapping Project by Micah Altman
Huge Spatial Data Analytics by Jon R. Shepherd by Michael Olkin
How to build an open geo wiki by Max Ogden
Building clouds... by Michael Parkin

PPT Karoake

Please help us by creating a PPT Karoake presentation for use at this event or send us a set of your wacky spatial photos that we can use to create PPT Karoake slides


If you or your company, or anyone you know would be interested in supporting this event, please email the organizers at We would like to be able to have the following items at the event:
Video Services
Food (pizza, salad and/or snacks)
Drink (Water and/or juice)
Prizes for Karoake rounds

Day of team

If you would like to help with registration please email to let us know.

Finally, the website( has been updated with more descriptions on the talks and everything else discussed in this email. Also, the final batch of tickets are up for grabs on August 2nd.
Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Guido Stein
Lead Organizer
Ignite Spatial: Boston 2

Note: I received this email as an IgniteSpatial participant. I have worked with Guido before at a couple of PodCamps and well as his inaugural FiberCamp. I will volunteer to help at the registration/welcome desk as this is something I like to do and have a great deal of fun with.