
Monday, June 21, 2010

job search notes: Monday #the5

Twitter is 'over capacity' so these tweets haven't actually been sent yet. Hopefully, I'll get to them later. In the mean time, these are #the5 for today with a job search point of view:

"so many people working in jobs that don’t leverage their true gifts" don't be 1 yourself - #the5 

"to remain upbeat and supportive for an extended time, takes a saint" #the5 - be that saint for someone!

"You go to events and conferences for something more than a snack and some SWAG" #the5 - - for forth and learn!

"strong use of networking, well-written and focused resume, and effective interview preparation and delivery" #the5

"finding those tiny bits of straw you can spin into something much better" #the5 - dig into this haystack!

What can you share today?