
Monday, March 15, 2010


good morning all, more rain scheduled today for Franklin and other sections of wet New England, no ark in sight so we'll do #the5

Ninja Mind Control Trick, this ties in with the Globe article today 2 4 1 to start #the5

Tax breaks for developments in MA - Boston.com implication is that's bad, but it's not really all bad #the5

Community, Conversation, Contribution?"important to know why you are contributing in the first place" #the5

If Writers Taught and Teachers Wrote . "the prospect of injecting new professional energy into both areas"#the5

But it's better than TV "one of the underappreciated world-changing stories of our time" #the5

that's all for #the5 today, have a great Monday folks! I'll tune in later to see what happens with Twitter Bingo
