
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

job search notes: that's called a digital strategy!

Someone looking for their perfect job finds the following posted on Rethink Communications website

The text from the image reads as follows:
We’re looking for an analytical and tactical thinker who can create cross-channel digital strategies for all sorts of clients. Someone who loves problem solving where technology, marketing, and creative content intersect.
This job requires:
  • 3–5 years’ experience developing digital marketing and website strategies
  • Experience integrating website marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email, social media, and online advertising
  • Familiarity with all the acronyms, like ROI, SEO, SEM, CTR, CMS, CRM, CPM, IA, and UX
  • Knowledge of online channel best practices and optimization techniques
  • Passion for providing actionable analytics and making data-driven decisions
  • Strong written and oral communication skills

So how does this person go after the position?

By creating a Twitter account "Hire_Me_Rethink"

Then using Twitter search tools, they start following folks with targeted messages to create the viral response to gain Rethink's attention.

The Twitter user ->
The Rethink Communications webpage ->

You remember the line "Yes, when in Rome do as the Romans do."  When someone is looking for a digital strategist, then you might as well use a digital strategy!

Yes, I was one they targeted and this is a perfect solution for one person's job search effort. I'll be happy to help spread the word on their effort.

Note: this may not work for every position posted but think about what you could do to appropriately attract your targeted company's attention.

Updated 10:30 AM 3/10/10

The more I thought about this, it didn't seem right. Attention will be generated by what has been done thus far but is that enough? Shouldn't the person also provide additional information on who they are, what they do and all importantly a way to contact them?

This may very well be a test device by Rethink Communications to generate leads. Why else would the one link provided on the Twitter profile be the link to the company page? If an individual were really looking to get hired, they would have either their LinkedIn profile there or a special landing page touting their skills, experiences, etc.

Anyone can generate attention, a skilled digital strategist will generate action!