
Saturday, November 08, 2008

Deja Brew - variety pack

DejaBrew_grinderImage by shersteve via FlickrFriday night was brewing night at Deja Brew. We had six kettles lined up for our group and made the following beers:

Goibniu: A Great rendition of a true Scottish Ale

Killer Honey Ale: A smooth red ale, light hop palate and good malty character

Oktoberfest Beir: A slight fruity accent with a deep gold color

McTartan’s Scotch Ale: McEwan’s Clone – Amber & slightly sweet, some smoke

Llevar Porter: If you like Ravell , you’ll love this one. Vanilla accents

Hearty Christmas Ale: A hearty Ale, spicy, flavorful and inviting!

Four of these we have done before and were so good, we wanted to do them again. Two are new: McTartan's Scotch Ale and the Hearty Christmas Ale.

We return to bottle on the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Deja Brew is a good deal of fun and a great way to truly understand and appreciate beer. I learn something everytime I go.

Additional posts on the Deja Brew experience can be found here.

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