
Friday, December 21, 2007

Five for Friday

Friday provides the 5th day of the week and here are five things found during the week that was:

1 - Life Expectancy Calculator

2 - Dwayne has a good note on Mozy which is running a coupon special for December. I am using Mozy (the free version) and it has been doing very well performing the backups regularly and in a non-intrusive manner.

3 - Tim Milburn has updated his free ebook on student leadership. You can download the new version here.

4 - The Very Short List, an ultra-version of my own Hitchhikers Guide. The quality of what they share in the first week I have subscribed is incredible. I think you'll enjoy this.

5 - And for the lady runner that you know and want to treat, here is a new selection of clothing that seems quite good, Oiselle.


  1. Hi, Steve, just dropping by to say have some great holidays! I must say this New England snow thing is getting old.

  2. Rhea, winter is just starting! How can you as a New Englander be ready for spring so soon?

    This does bring back memories of childhood days with endless snow. I'd much rather have it all white than mixed. When it rains now on top of this it becomes soo messy.

    Thanks for stopping by. I wish you all the best this wonderful white holiday season!
