
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Commenting with OpenID

After just two short weeks of testing on Blogger in draft, OpenID commenting is now available for all Blogger blogs. This means that your friends and readers can leave authenticated comments on your blog using their blog URLs from OpenID-enabled services such as, LiveJournal, and AOL Journals, or with their AOL/AIM accounts.

We've chosen a few popular OpenID providers to highlight on the comments form, but OpenID is, well, "open"! You can use any OpenID service to post a comment by choosing "Any OpenID" and filling in your OpenID URL.

For those who comment here, you may have noticed a change this week as this was implemented.

For those who wanted to comment here, but did not want to get a Google account, now you can use one of your other accounts to provide an id with your comment.

Of course, 'anonymous' is still accepted but then I don't get to email you with my reply and continue the conversation.

For additional details on the change, you can find them here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Steve, the biggest problem with this implementation is I don't have any of the identities they want.

    Blogger doesn't recognize the method I've used in the past, i.e. my name and website. I keep trying, but it won't work.

    I still have reservations about the whole OpenID system, too, so I don't have one to my knowledge. That's a topic for another conversation.

    I'm not sure, but this may be another implementation of technology without thinking all the way through. Rather than increase comments, which they claim, I think it will do the opposite. I guess we'll see.

    Rather than anonymous,
    Larry Hendrick
