
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pink slips delivered

The pink slips to the teachers that could be affected by the failure to pass the override were delivered yesterday.

Not a good day for Franklin.

"Franklin is broke folks, this is not a surprise." Town Administrator Jeff Nutting said, during one of the budget discussions.

Franklin has grown more than the Prop 2 1/2 funding will allow. Franklin voters now must approve the increase in the tax base to provide for the level of service they have come to expect.

Actually, if the Town Council had put forward the $4 million override, that amount would be closer to maintaining the same level of service next year as this.

But that choice was already made for us. We have only a poor option of approving the $2.7 million override which provides some funds but still requires hurtful cuts.

Be informed.
Vote May 22.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Why would the town and school department deliver pink slips before the end of the school year? Isn't this de-motivating for the teachers? This action doesn't make any sense unless the purpose was grandstanding prior to the vote on the override.

  2. Anonymous, you might have missed the discussion at one of the School Committee meetings but the teacher contract calls for notifications by a specific date. The Superintendent has determined to provide as much advance notice as practical in order for the fine folks who are in danger of losing their positions to find work elsewhere.

    This is a good move on their part, one more sign of good management by the Superintendent.
