
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Deval's Oratory Skills

I admit to not knowing a whole lot of the details on where Deval Patrick came from and how he came to be a success this past November. This article helps to highlight that his oratory skills were recognized while he was a student at Harvard Law School.
Deval stood up and just lit the place up," he continues. "I've never seen such a brilliant oral performance. You know it when you see it. He had command of the material and a manner with the judges. There was no question that unnerved him. It was so effortless."

Adds Shtasel, "He was really extraordinary beyond all of our years."

Nor was there any question who the best oralist was. (Trust the legal profession to come up with such a ghastly word.) He won the George Leisure award as Best Oralist over his closest competition on the other side, Andrew Loewi of the Lewis Carroll Club.

According to the Harvard Law Record, the school's student newspaper, Loewi said he "could not have done a better job in a million years. Deval's just a great oralist. Deval has incredible presence -- a wonderful manner when he communicates." Classy guy, Loewi.

"You said, whoa, this guy is going places," Loewi, a Denver lawyer, says. " I saw him later, when he was an assistant AG at the Justice Department. He had his little entourage, as all those people do at that point, but he was impressive and convincing in his soft-spoken and firm style."

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