
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Podcast Session Notes

These are the notes I put together to help me talk my way through my first podcast. I wanted to add links to them and ran out of time the other night.

What better way to explain PodCamp and show what I learned than to create my own pod cast
So bear with me, this is my first. Let's go exploring together

One question I asked many I met was, how did they hear of PodCamp? The answers showed a variety of sources but all were from some posting somewhere. The six degrees of separation were very much in evidence. I heard of PodCamp via Rosa Say, Ho'ohanna, Chris Brogan, found the wiki, explored links
Emailed to arrange to obtain an Adam Weiss podcasting starter kit which I picked up on Saturday

PodCamp is an Unconference, participation rules
It was free, in Boston, I had to be there
Instead of setting up a session, I am a newbie after all in podcasting and video blogging
Although I have blogged for two years, my blogversary this Friday
I decided to help by volunteering to work the registration desk
I know customer service, I know process and work flows, this should be easy and a way to help
My experience at the registration desk was great, I'll go into more detail some other time

A snap shot summary of each of the sessions I attended


The first session with Steve Garfield
Ease of capturing the moment, no editing, simple upload and publish
Important sites to help hipcast,, YouTube, podzinger, audacity
Links off with how info on podcasting and video blogging

Second session with CC Chapman and Mitch Joel
A delightful session on branding, your personal brand equals a conversation
Its all about who knows you
Note: Not like when we were kids and told not to talk to strangers, the key to networking is to take that first step talk with a stranger and soon he/she won't be a stranger any longer, so much in common

Third session with Henry Houh from PodZinger
Spin off from BBN, separate company
slick software scans audio/video cast, does a speech to text translation, allows for search, results point to a position within the file where the text (spoken word) was referenced
80-90% successful, still work to do, have some thousands of feeds, not sure if it is al the feeds, may require a registration for the scan
Takes 5-6 hours from posting to enable the text to be searchable

Session with Andrew Baron of Rocketboom
Multiple streams of thought came together for this
Andrew diagramed influential sectors of the internet
Personal fulfillment (myspace); geek/tech; 9-5 office folks; newbie (take action); all these are centered around FUN, or as modified later 'delight'
Purpose of the internet: information, entertainment, belonging (added by J Sprool)

Session on gear talk with David Berland/CNET
Good technical info, lots of advice and the perspective within which to frame it.
KeDavid david is to record when he has the opportunity, therefore needs dependabilitportabilitylility, price is less an object but still cost conscious

Session on podcasting the Constitution with Ira Krakow
Interesting bits came from this
Last declared war was against Japan on Dec 8, 1941
Supreme court ruled 8-1 for the internment of the Japanese, one of the worst court decisions based upon law
The session eventually started breaking down into a political discussion and true to the unconference, I let my feet do their thing and walked out of the room.

I did have to head home to pick up my wife and go to the Revolution soccer game that night. I was going to miss the conference dinner party. Oh well, next time. I at least got some party time at Harvard on Friday's kick off.


Session with Chris Brogan on content networks
Used the analogy of the newspaper, each individual article is the equivalent of the blog, combined become the paper, blogwise combined become the content network
Little did I know, I am my own content network

Session with Laura Allen on the 15 second pitch
Very similar to the TomPeters/Seth Godin challenge I did last year
She has a four step process to get to the 7 words I developed
You can see my 7 word answer in 'My Value Add' link on the left column of my blogs.

Session with Leesa Barnes
Discussion around limited edition podcasts
Keep to 10 episodes
Relative to the 7-10 touch points to get to 'yes' in the sales cycle
Interesting note: Directories tending to get ranked higher than the blog itself

Session on identity with Shava Nerad of the Tor Project
Variations of identity reviewed
Strong identity, pseudoidentity, soft anonymity, strong anonymity,
Pluses and minuses of each

Session with Steve Garfield
Created three short videos for the ze frank show
Improvisational, group work, team work, collaboration, execution
Great fun...

Session with John Herman
Video as art
Discussion on how we view video, what the influences are

So was it worth it?
It was, I met so many folks, had so many conversations
I really could summarize it like that master card commercial
One hour to drive, parking free, admission free, experience - priceless!

Let's go back to the CC Chapman and Mitch Joel session on branding
They had only just met in person that morning. They had blogged, commented, emailed, talked but not met, And their presentation together was a slick as if they had been doing it all their life. To an extent they had. The front line conversation is important, but the back channel is even more important to develop the relationship.

'Be you, others are already taken' Mitch quote blogged about already

You've read my writing, now you hear me for the first time. Let me know? Was this podcast worth it?

Add a comment, send me an email, and we'll take it from there!

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I think your recap with each session you went to and your thoughts on it was a great way to do it. I don't think I've seen anyone else provide as many details and it was great to read your thoughts on sessions I couldn't make it to.

    I'm also glad the you enjoyed the presentation Mitch and I gave. It was a lot of fun to have an audience into the message we were trying to put forth.

    The full audio from that session is up at if anyone wants to check it out.
